Upcoming Seminar

Speaker: Dr. Sanku Paul (DST INSPIRE Faculty, S N Bose Center)
Date/time: March 06, 2025 at 12:00 Noon
Venue: Room 204 (Second floor, UAC, BI)

Past Seminars

1. Title: Shockwaves in black hole microstate geometries
Speaker: Dr. Bidisha Chakrabarty (University of Southampton, UK)
Date/time: March 21, 2023 at 3:00 pm
Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)

2. Title: A sharp future of medium-size telescopes in the era of automated adaptive optics
Speaker: Dr. Jyotirmay Paul (University of Liege, Belgium)
Date/time: April 05, 2023 at 3:00 pm
Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)

Speaker: Dr. Sumit Basu (Lund University, Sweden)
Speaker: Mr. Prateek Chawla (SRF, IMSc Chennai)
June 21, 2023
21, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Dibya Chakraborty (Ashoka University)

6. Title: Is kinetic constraint sufficient to generate quantum many-body scars?
Speaker: Dr. Bhaskar Mukherjee (University College London)
03, 2023
7.Title: " Precise measurement of the weak mixing angle by the MOLLER experiment at Jefferson Lab "
Speaker: Dr. Sayak Chatterjee (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
14, 2023
Speaker: Dr. Shubhadeep Biswas (SLAC, Stanford University)
Date/time: at 12:00 noonDecember 22, 2023
Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)

9. Title: Formation and Evolution of the very FIRST STARS (primordial stars) in the Universe

Speaker: Dr. Jayanta Dutta; HRI, Prayagraj (Allahabad)
Date/time: December 15, 2023 at 12:00 noon
Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)

10. Title: Atomically thin 2D-Field Effect Transistors and Printed Chemi-resistors for Rapid biopsy of Cancer, Chiral Spin Device, and Aquatic Hazards Assessment

Speaker: Dr. Arnab Maity (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)
Date/time: April 09, 2024 at 12:00 noon

11. Title: Performing High-Dimensional Statistical Inference with Artificial Intelligence in Particle and Astrophysics
Speaker: Dr. Aishik Ghosh (UC Irvine and Berkeley Lab)

Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)

Date/time: June 07, 2024 at 03:00 pm

12. Title: Contact Geometry and Thermodynamics

Speaker: Aritra Ghosh (SRF, School of Basic Sciences, IIT-BBS, Bhubaneswar)

Date/time: August 07, 2024 at 12:00 NOON
Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)

13. Title: A sharp future of medium-size telescopes in the era of automated adaptive optics

Speaker: Kinjal Roy (SRF, Astronomy & Astrophysics Group, RRI)

Date/time: August 08, 2024 at 12:00 NOON
Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)

14. Title: Recent results on heavy flavours and quarkonia from ALICE focusing on Run-3 data

Speaker: Dr. Shreyasi Acharya (Postdoc, CERN)

Date/time: August 19, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)

15. Title: Insights into quantum magnetism: A concise account of my research

Speaker: Dr. Jhuma Sannigrahi  (Ramanujan Fellow, IIT Goa)

Date/time: September 05, 2024 at 12:00 NOON
Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)

16. Title: Long distance entanglement sharing with optical hybrid states
Speaker: Dr. Soumyakanti Bose (Postdoc, Seoul National University)
Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)

Date/Time: October 25, 2024; 04:00 PM

17.Title: Self-organization in Active Polymers and Living Matter

Speaker: Dr. Rakesh Das, (Guest Scientist, Visitors Program, MPI-PKS, Dresden)

Venue: Physics Seminar Room (204, second floor, UAC, BI)
Date/Time: December 20, 2024; 12:00 Noon

18.Title: Towards a complete classification of holographic entropy inequalities, and beyond...
Speaker: Mr. Joydeep Naskar (Northeastern University, Boston, USA)
Date/time: December 24, 2024 at 03:00 PM
Venue: LH1 (Ground floor, UAC, BI)

19.Title: Nuclear Astrophysics with Charge-Exchange Reactions at FRIB
Speaker: Dr. Sk Mustak Ali (Michigan State University, USA)
Date/time: January 07, 2025 at 03:00 PM
Venue: LH1 (Ground floor, UAC, BI)

20.Title: LongBaseline Neutrino Experiments
Speaker: Dr. Ali Ajmi (University of Winnipeg, Canada)
Date/time: January 08, 2025 at 03:00 PM
Venue: Room 204 (Second floor, UAC, BI)

21. Title: Thermalization via Quantum Homogenization

Speaker: Tanmay Saha (IMSc, Chennai)

Venue: Room 204 (Second floor, UAC, BI)
Date/time: January 30, 2025 at 12:00 Noon

22Title: Entangling light without uncertainties
Speaker: Dr. Aniruddha Bhattacharya (Georgia Tech)
Date/time: February 20, 2025 at 12:00 Noon
Venue: Room 204 (Second floor, UAC, BI)