Environmental Science Section
Dr. Abhijit Chatterjee is currently working as an Associate Professor in Environmental Sciences Section with the expertise in Atmospheric Chemistry, Air Pollutants and Air Quality, Bio-geo-chemistry of the environment and especially focusing on the high altitude sub-tropical Himalayan ecosystem and tropical urban/rural atmosphere. Currently, the group of Dr. Chatterjee is focused on the following research topics:
• Chemistry of atmospheric aerosols over different atmospheric environments in India
• Behaviour of “Black and Brown Carbon” and their role in regional climate change
• Dependence of precipitation chemistry on physical properties of rain and consequent changes on soil bio-geo-chemistry
• Reaction mechanisms involved in various atmospheric reactions
• Relative contributions of primary and secondary sources of atmospheric aerosols
• Microphysical and chemical properties of low level clouds over Himalayan region
• Biosphere-Atmosphere exchange of Greenhouse Gases and energy
• Cloud condensation nuclei activation of atmospheric aerosols of different sizes and chemistry
• Long-term trends in aerosols and other air pollutants in India and future prediction using suitable models: Ground and satellite based observations
• Sources of air pollutants and hotspots identification: small scale, local scale, regional scale, national scale and trans-boundary
Air pollution mitigation strategies
Dr. Sanat Kumar Das is trying to solve the fundamental problems related to Atmospheric Physics. His research group is answering the wide-ranging questions related to atmospheric sciences like (A) Air quality investigations, (B) Atmospheric measurements techniques (C) Precipitation and aerosol interactions (D) Ocean-Atmosphere interactions (E) Atmosphere-Biosphere interactions.
His research activities are involved in
• Long-term measurements of optical, physical and chemical properties of different types of aerosols over the Himalayas
• Simulation of Aerosol radiative effect on Earth’s radiation budget including observational data from the Himalayas to coastal using various types of in-situ ground-based instruments and space-borne remote sensing sensors
• Ship-based measurements of alteration of marine aerosols mixed with continental haze and desert dust over the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea
• Characterization of polar aerosols and precipitations over Antarctica
• Alteration of aerosol hygroscopic properties in foggy environment
• Microbial aerosols and bio-precipitation interactions
Faculty Members:
1) Prof. Sanjay Kumar Ghosh (COORDINATOR)
2) Dr. Abhijt Chatterjee
3) Dr. Sanat Kumar Das

aerosol radiative effect on Earth’s radiation budget over East India