BI-IFCC Announcement
Please note in particular the deadlines for applications:
1. Description: Titanium, water-cooled vacuum chambers for SFRS (3 pcs. of special vac. chambers for the S-FRS rad. hard nc dipoles) (Early Science)
Ref-no. of the notice: 2023/S 045-127964 (
Deutsches Vergabeportal (DTVP) Announcement-ID.: CXS0YYEYW253JXTR
PSP-Code: F2.
Deadline for the offer (open procedure): 31.03.2023 – Local time: 10:00 am
2. Description: The turbomolecular pumps are part of permanently installed pumping stations that are needed to generate and maintain the beam vacuum in the p-Linac and the SFRS,
as well as the insulation vacuum of the superconducting magnets and the cryogenic transfer lines within the FAIR project.
Ref-no. of the notice:2023/S 020-057668 ( 57668-2023:TEXT:EN:HTML )
Deutsches Vergabeportal (DTVP) Announcement-ID.: CXS0YYEYWVWPL52B
PSP-Code: F2.04.0 7.0 7.01.01 + F2.04.0 7.0 3.01.01 + F2.04.0 7.0 3.01.02
Deadline for the offer (open procedure): 22.03.2023 – Local time:12:00
More information:
FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH
Darmstadt 64291, Germany
Tel: +49 6159711-987
t: +49 6159 71 3257
f: +49 6159 71 3916