Tripurari Prasad Sinha
Tripurari Prasad Sinha
Ex-Professor, Physics
PhD: Bhagalpur University , 1988
Previous appointments:
CSIR research associate and senior research associate from July 1989 to June 1995 at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata
Research interests:
Address: |
Department of Physics Main Campus Bose Institute 93/1, A. P. C. Road Kolkata - 700 009, India |
E-Mail: | tpsinha[at]jcbose.ac.in |
Phone: | +91-33-23031189 |
Research Publications of Professor Tripurari Prasad Sinha (T. P. Sinha)
1. S. N. Choudhary, T.
P. Sinha and K. K. P. Srivastava (1986) Orbit–lattice interaction and
Mössbauer quadrupole splitting of 57Fe2+ in GeFe2O4,
Physica Status Solidi (b), vol.137, pp.255–258.
2. K. K. P. Srivastava and T. P. Sinha (1987) Vibronic
effects on the Mössbauer quadrupole splitting of Fe(II) in ferrous
fluo–silicate (FeSiF6.6H2O), Journal de Physique,
vol.48, pp.2119–2123.
3. T. P. Sinha, S. N. Choudhary and K. K. P. Srivastava (1987) Effect
of orbit–lattice interaction on Mössbauer quadrupole splitting of Iron(II) in
Fe(p–CH3C6H4SO3)2, Physica Status Solidi (b), vol.142, pp.221–227.
4. K. K. P. Srivastava and T. P. Sinha (1989) Electronic
states and quadrupole splitting of Fe(II) in deoxyhaemoglobin under dynamic
crystal field potential approach, Hyperfine
Interactions, vol.47, pp.613–615.
T. P. Sinha (1992) Vibronic–coupling
effect on the paramagnetic Fe2+ ions in an insulator: Mössbauer
quadrupole splitting in a biological system, Physical Review B, vol.46, pp.632–638.
T. P. Sinha (1992) Influence of electron–phonon
coupling on the Mössbauer quadrupole interaction in FeSiF6.6H2O,
Physica Status Solidi (b), vol.169, pp.561–570.
T. P. Sinha,
D. Das and M. Bhattacharya (1993) Mössbauer study on M1 qnd M2 sites of Fe2+
in natural hypersthene under dynamic crystal field potential approach, Hyperfine
Interactions, vol.77, pp.29–42.
T. P. Sinha (1993) Electronic
states and Fe2+ quadrupole splitting in Fe[(CH3)2SO]6(ClO4)2
under orbit–lattice interaction, Physica B, vol.183, pp.312–316.
S. Sharma, R.
Sati, R. N. P. Choudhary and T. P. Sinha (1993) Diffuse phase transition in
solid solution of Pb(Mg1/4Zn1/4Nb1/2)O3–d and PbTiO3, Materials
Letters, vol.16, pp.281–285.
T. P. Sinha,
S. Ganguli and M. Bhattacharya (1993) Fe2+ quadrupole splitting
in dolomite under orbit–lattice interaction–a Mössbauer study, Physica Status Solidi (b), vol.180, pp.423–429.
K. Prasad, R.
Sati, R. N. P. Choudhary and T. P. Sinha (1993) Synthesis and electrical
studies of modified PbTiO3 ceramics : (Pb1–xCax)
(Mn0.05W0.05Ti0.90)O3, Bulletin of Materials Science, vol.16, pp.679–684.
T. P. Sinha (1993) Orbit–lattice interaction and Mössbauer quadrupole
splitting of ferrous ions in ferrous–diphenyl–sulfoxide–chlorate, Physical
Review B, vol.47, pp.13998–14002.
T. P. Sinha,
M. Mukherjee, D. Chakravorty and M. Bhattacharya (1996) Mössbauer study of
nanocomposite Fe2O3–SiO2 prepared by sol–gel
method, Indian Journal of Physics, vol. 70A, pp.741–746.
S. Nandi, S.
Sen–Mandi and T. P. Sinha (1997) Active oxygen and their scavengers
in rice seeds (Oryza sativa cv. IET 4094) aged under tropical environmental
conditions, Seed Science Research, vol.7, pp.253–259.
T. P. Sinha,
Ranjana Roy, P. Mandal, M. Bhattacharya and C. K. Majumdar (1997) Mössbauer
and magnetic studies of intermetallic Fe–Mn–Ti alloy, Indian Journal of Physics,
vol. 71A, pp.267–271.
G. Das, S. Raj,
J. Pothen, M. R. Sethuraj, T. P. Sinha
and S. Sen–Mandi (1998) Status of free radical and its scavenging system
with stimulation in Hevea brasiliensis, Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, vol.25, pp.47–50.
T. K. Kundu, M.
Mukherjee, D. Chakravorty and T. P.
Sinha (1998) Growth of
nano a–Fe2O3
in titania matrix by the sol–gel route,
Journal of Materials Science, vol.33, pp.1759–1763.
S. Kumar, K. Roy,
K. Maity, T. P. Sinha, D. Banerjee,
K. C. Das and R. Bhattacharya (1998) Superparamagnetism and collective
magnetic excitations in Fe–Ni alloys at low Ni concentration Physica
Status Solidi (a), vol.167,
Sonali Saha, S.
K. Siddhanta, B. Roy and T. P. Sinha (1998)
Ultrasonic studies on stable aqueous polyaniline prepared using water
soluble support polymer, Journal of
Acoustical Society of India,
vol.26, pp.97–100.
S. R.
Shannigrahi, R. N. P. Choudhary, H. N. Acharya and T. P. Sinha (1999) Characterisations
of sol–gel derived (PbLaLi)(Zr0.60Ti0.40)O3
system, Journal of
Applied Physics, vol.85,
S. R.
Shannigrahi, R. N. P. Choudhary, H. N. Acharya and T. P. Sinha (1999) Structural, electrical and piezoelectric
properties of rare–earth doped PZT ceramics, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, vol.37, pp.359–362.
S. R.
Shannigrahi, R. N. P. Choudhary, H. N. Acharya and T. P. Sinha (1999) “Phase
transition in sol–gel–derived Na–modified PLZT ceramics, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol.32, pp.1539–1547.
Sonali Saha, T. P. Sinha and Abhijit Mookerjee
(2000) Structural and optical properties of paraelectric SrTiO3,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol.12, pp.3325–3336.
Sonali Saha, B.
Roy, S. K. Siddhanta and T. P. Sinha (2000) Hydrogen bonding in
conducting polymer: an ultrasonic study, Indian Journal of Physics,
vol.74A, pp.379–381.
S. R.
Shannigrahi, R. N. P. Choudhary, H. N. Acharya and T. P. Sinha (2000) Microstructure and electrical
characterisations of sol–gel derived PLKZT (8/60/40), Journal of Materials Science,
vol.35, pp.1737–1742.
Sonali Saha, T. P. Sinha and Abhijit Mookerjee
(2000) Electronic structure, chemical bonding and optical properties of
paraelectric BaTiO3, Physical Review B, vol.62, pp.8828–8834.
Dilip K. Ray,
Ranjana K. Roy, B. Roy and T. P. Sinha (2000) Ultrasonic studies of
composite conducting polymer, Journal
of Acoustical Society of India,
vol.28, pp.289–291.
S. Saha, T. P. Sinha and A. Mookerjee (2000) First
principles study of electronic structure and optical properties of CaTiO3,
European Physical Journal B, vol.18, pp.207–214.
S. K. Sinha, R.
N. P. Choudhary, S. N. Choudhary and T.
P. Sinha (2001) Diffuse phase transitions in Pb(Mn1/4Cu1/4W1/2)O3
ceramics, Materials Letters, vol. 51, pp.336–341.
T. P. Sinha (2001) Vibronic
coupling effect on Fe2+ Mössbauer quadrupole splitting in CsCoCl3, Journal of
Physics: Condensed Matter, vol.13,
S. K. Sinha, R.
N. P. Choudhary, S. N. Choudhary and T.
P. Sinha (2001) Structural
and electrical behavior in Pb(Mg1/4Cd1/4Mo1/2)O3,
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of
Solids, vol.63, pp.323–329.
T. P. Sinha (2001) Mössbauer
quadrupole splitting of Fe2+ in NH4CoCl3 under
orbit–lattice interaction, International Journal of Modern Physics B, vol.15, pp.4223–4229.
Sonali Saha and T. P. Sinha (2002) Structural
and dielectric studies of BaFe0.5Nb0.5O3, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, vol.14, pp.249–258.
K. K. Saha, T.
Saha–Dasgupta, Abhijit Mookerjee, S. Saha and T. P. Sinha (2002) Optical
properties of perovskite alkaline earth titanates: a formulation and comparison
with experiment, Journal of Physics:
Condensed Matter, vol.14,
D. K. Ray, P.
Ray, P. K. Dutta, T. Maji and T. P. Sinha (2002) An analysis of
collimator scatter factors of mega voltage photon beam, Journal of
Medical Physics, vol.27, pp.266–267.
P. K. Bajpai, K.
Ratre, M. Pastor and T. P. Sinha (2003) Preparation, characterization
and dielectric behaviour of some yttrium doped strontium stannates, Bulletin
of Materials Science, vol. 26, pp.461–464.
D. K. Ray, P.
Chaudhuri, P. Ray, R. Das and T. P. Sinha (2003) Domestic analysis of
measured, derived and BJR published tissue maximum ratios of high energy photon
beam, Journal of Medical Physics, vol.28, pp.119–120.
D. K. Ray, T.
Maji, P. Ray, T. P. Sinha (2003)
S. Pal, and G. Muthukrishnan, “Characteristic parameters
of 6–18 Mev electron beams from KD–2 Linac, Journal of Medical Physics,
vol.28, pp.164–166.
R. Das, D. K.
Ray, P. Chaudhuri and T. P. Sinha (2004) Comparison of measured and
calculated electron dose due to air gap between application and patient skin in
linear accelerator, Journal of Medical Physics, vol.29, pp.136–137.
A. K. Himanshu,
D. K. Ray and T. P. Sinha (2005) AC conductivity of
conducting polymer prepared with the use of water soluble support polymer, Indian Journal of Physics, vol.74A, pp.1049–1052.
S. Prasad, K.
Prasad, S. N. Choudhary and T. P. Sinha (2005) Electrical behaviour of
relaxor, Physica B, vol.364, pp.206–212.
D. K. Ray, A. K.
Himanshu and T. P. Sinha (2005) Study of impedance spectroscopy conducting polymer
prepared with the use of water soluble support polymer, Indian Journal of Pure & Applied
Physics, vol.43, pp.787–793.
D. K. Ray, P.
Kumar, T. Maji and T. P. Sinha (2005) Estimation of transit time,
timer linearity and end error of high intensity 192Ir HDR
brachytherapy source in microselectron HDR machine, Journal of Medical
Physics, vol.30, pp.241–242.
A. Kumar, K.
Prasad, S. N. Choudhary and T. P. Sinha (2005) Phase transition in
ceramic, Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences,
vol.12, pp.586–590.
Sonali Saha and T. P. Sinha (2006) Dielectric relaxation in SrFe1/2Nb1/2O3,
Journal of Applied Physics, vol.99, pp.014109 1–5.
Alo Dutta and T.
P. Sinha (2006) Dielectric relaxation in perovskite BaAl1/2Nb1/2O3,
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol.67, pp.1484–1491.
A. K. Himanshu,
D. C. Gupta and T. P. Sinha (2006) Dielectric study of Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3
at low temperature, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics,
vol.44, pp.391–397.
S. K. Rout, E. Sinha, S. Panigrahi, J. Bera
and T. P. Sinha (2006) Phase formation and dielectric phase
transition in Ba1–xCaxTi0.6Zr0.4O3
solid solutions, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol.67,
D. K. Mishra, D.
K. Ray, T. Maji, P. Chaudhuri and T. P. Sinha (2006) Experimental
verification of dependence of wedge factor on field size and energy in
universal wedges, Journal of Medical Physics, vol.31, pp.174.
Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2007) Dielectric
relaxation in complex perovskite BaFe1/2Sb1/2O3,
International Journal of Modern Physics B, vol.21, pp.2965–2978.
Ved Prakash, Alo
Dutta, S. N. Choudhary and T. P. Sinha (2007) Dielectric relaxation
in perovskite Ba(Zn1/2W1/2)O3, Materials
Science and Engineering B, vol.142, pp.98–105.
D. K. Ray, A. K.
Himanshu and T. P. Sinha (2007) Structural and low frequency studies
of conducting polymer nanocomposites, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied
Physics, vol.45, pp.692–699.
Alo Dutta, T.
P. Sinha and Santiranjan Shannigrahi (2007) Dielectric
relaxation and electronic structure of Ca(Fe1/2Sb1/2)O3,
Physical Review B, vol. 76, pp.155113–1–7
Alo Dutta,
Chandrahas Bharti and T. P. Sinha (2008) AC conductivity and
dielectric relaxation in CaMg1/3Nb2/3O3,
Materials Research Bulletin,
vol.43, pp.1246–1254.
Ved Prakash, S.
N. Choudhary and T. P. Sinha (2008) Dielectric relaxation in
complex perovskite oxide BaCo1/2W1/2O3,
Physica B, vol. 403, pp.103–108.
S. K. Rout, T.
Badapanda, E. Sinha, S. Panigrahi, P. K. Barhai and T. P. Sinha (2008) Dielectric
and phase transition of BaTi0.6Zr0.4O3
ceramics prepared by a soft chemical route, Applied Physics A, vol. 91, pp.101–106.
Alo Dutta,
Chandrahas Bharti and T. P. Sinha
(2008) Dielectric relaxation and ac
conductivity study in SrMg1/3Nb2/3O3, Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, vol. 15,
S Prasad, K
Prasad, S N Choudhary and T. P. Sinha
(2008) Electrical properties of relaxor
ferroelectric PMCT–PT–ZnO ceramic, Indian
Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences, vol. 15, pp.163–166.
Bharti, S. N. Choudhary, T. P. Sinha
(2008) Relaxor behaviour in Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3,
Journal of Surface Science and
Technology, vol. 24, pp.1–10.
T. Badapanda, S.
K. Rout, S. Panigrahi and T. P. Sinha
(2008) Relaxor behaviour of (Ba0.5Sr0.5)(Ti0.6Zr0.4)O3
ceramics, Bulletin of Materials
Science, vol. 31, pp. 1–5.
Alo Dutta, T. P. Sinha, P. Jena and S. Adak (2008)
Ac conductivity and dielectric relaxation in ionically conducting
soda–lime–silicate glasses, Journal
of Non–Crystalline solids, vol. 354, pp. 3952–3957.
Alo Dutta,
Chandrahas Bharti and T. P. Sinha
(2008) Dielectric relaxation in SrMg1/3Nb2/3O3, Physica
B vol. 403, pp. 3389–3393.
T. Badapanda, S.
K. Rout, S. Panigrahi, E. Sinha and T.
P. Sinha (2008) Ferroelectric Phase
Transition of Ba1–xSrxTi0.6Zr0.4O3
ceramics, Phase Transitions,
vol. 81, pp. 897–906.
Alo Dutta, T.
P. Sinha and Santiranjan Shannigrahi (2008) Dielectric relaxation
and electronic structure of double perovskite Sr2FeSbO6,
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 104, pp. 064114(1–6).
Alo Dutta, T.
P. Sinha, B. Pahari, R. Sarkar, K.
Ghoshray and S. Shannigrahi (2008) Dielectric
relaxation and electronic structure of Ba(Al1/2Nb1/2)O3:
x–ray photoemission and nuclear magnetic resonance studies, Journal of
Physics: Condensed Matter, vol. 20, pp. 445206(1–8) .
Ashwani Kumar, S.
M. Rafique and T. P. Sinha (2008) Electronic transport, density of states and
ground state properties of Li–In binary alloy, Physica B, vol. 403, pp. 3374–3378.
S. Prasad, K.
Prasad, S. N. Choudhary and T. P. Sinha (2008) Electrical properties of 0.90Pb[(Mg,Zn)1/3 Ta2/3]O3
–0.10PbTiO3 relaxor,
Materials Science – Poland, vol. 26,
pp. 475–485.
Lata Agrawal, Alo
Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2009) Dielectric relaxation in In(Mg0.5Ti0.5)O3
nanoceramic, Journal of Surface
science and Technology, vol. 25, pp. 85–94.
Bharti, Alo Dutta, S. Shannigrahi, S. N. Choudhary, R. K. Thapa and T. P.
Sinha (2009) Impedance spectroscopy,
electronic structure and X–ray photoelectron apectroscopy studies of Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3,
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, vol. 169, pp. 80–85.
T. Badapanda, S.
K. Rout, S. Panigrahi and T. P. Sinha (2009)
Phase formation and dielectric study of
Bi doped BaTi0.75Zr0.25O3 ceramic, Current Applied Physics, vol. 9, pp.
R. Tripathi, A.
Kumar and T. P. Sinha (2009) Dielectric properties of CdS nanoparticles
synthesized by soft chemical route, Pramana
Journal of Physics, vol. 72, pp. 969–978.
Ramna Tripathi,
Chandrahas Bharti, Akhilesh Kumar and T.
P. Sinha (2009) Dielectric relaxation
in ZnO nanostructure, Journal of
Surface Science and Technology, vol. 25, pp. 55–62.
A. Chakrabarti,
J. Bera and T. P. Sinha (2009) Dielectric properties of BaBi4Ti4O15
ceramics produced by cost–effective chemical method, Physica B, vol. 404, pp. 1498–1502.
T. Badapanda, S.
K. Rout, S. Panigrahi, T. P. Sinha
and S. I. Woo (2009) Dielectric behaviour
of yttrium doped barium–zirconium–titanate ceramics, Journal of Korean Physical Society, vol. 55, pp. 749–753.
T. Badapanda, S.
K. Rout, S. Panigrahi, T. P. Sinha and
S. I. Woo (2009) Effect of Dy
substitution on dielectric properties of BTZ relaxor ceramics, Ferroelctrics, vol. 385, pp. 177–186.
Ramna Tripathi,
P. Kumar, A. Kumar and T. P. Sinha (2009)
Dielectric spectroscopy study of CdS
nanoclusters synthesized by a soft chemical route, Journal of Surface Science and Technology, vol. 25, pp. 95–102.
Bharti, S. N. Choudhary and T. P. Sinha (2009)
Ferroelectrc relaxor behaviour in Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3,
Indian Journal of Physics, vol. 83,
pp. 409–414.
Ashwani Kumar, S.
M. Rafique and T. P. Sinha (2009) Complex formation study of thermodynamical,
structural properties and density of states of Al–Mg binary alloy, Physica B, vol. 404, pp. 1933–1939.
A. K. Himanshu,
D. C. Gupta, Alo Dutta, T. P. Sinha
and S. K. Bandyopadhayay (2009) Structural
and dielectric behaviour of barium substituted lead zinc niobate ceramics at low
temperature, Indian Journal of Pure
and Applied Physics, vol. 47, pp. 212–219.
Lata Agrawal. B.
P. Singh and T. P. Sinha (2009) Dielectric relaxation in complex perovskite
oxide In(Ni1/2Zr1/2)O3, Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 44,
pp. 1858–1862.
Ashwani Kumar, S.
M. Rafique and T. P. Sinha (2009) Electronic
transport and ground state properties of Li–Mg binary alloy, Chinese Journal of Physics, vol. 47,
pp. 215–225.
Chandrahas Bharti, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2009) Structural and Ferroelectric Properties of
ComplexPerovskites Pb(1–x)Bax(Fe1/2Ta1/2)O3
(x = 0.00, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15), Ferroelectrics, vol. 392, pp. 20–32.
Ramna Tripathi,
A. Kumar, C. Bharti and T. P. Sinha (2010) Dielectric
relaxation of ZnO nanostructure synthesized by soft chemical method, Current Applied Physics, vol.10, pp.
Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2010) Dielectric relaxation and electronic structure of double perovskite Ca2AlNbO6,
Integrated Ferroelectrics, vol. 116,
pp. 41–50.
Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2010) Impedance spectroscopy study of BaMg1/3Nb2/3O3:
Frequency and time domain analyses,
Physica B, vol. 405, pp. 1475–1479.
Alo Du Chandrahas
Bharti and T. P. Sinha (2010) Dielectric Properties of Rare Earth Double
Perovskite Oxide Sr2CeSbO6”, Solid State Sciences, vol. 12, pp. 498–502.
A. K. Himanshu,
S. K. Bandyopadhayay, P. Sen, D. C. Gupta, R. Chakraborty, A. K. Mukhopadhyay, B. K. Choudary, and T.
P. Sinha (2010) Dielectric and micromechanical studies of
barium titanate substituted(1–y) Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3
–yPT ferroelectric ceramics, Indian
Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, vol. 48, pp. 349–356.
Chandrahas Bharti
and T. P. Sinha (2010) Electrical Properties of Rare Earth Double
Perovskite Sr2CeSbO6, Integrated Ferroelectrics, vol. 116, pp. 113–118.
A. K. Himanshu,
B. K. Choudhary, D. C. Gupta, S. K. Bandyopadhayay and T. P. Sinha (2010) Impedance spectroscopy of perovskite barium
substituted lead zinc niobate ceramics, Physica B, vol. 405, pp. 1608–1614.
Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2010) Magnetic structure of double perovskites Ca2MWO6
(M = Co, Ni): a first principles study, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 322, pp. L25–L27.
B. K. Choudhary,
S. N. Singh, A. K. Himanshu, S. K. Bandyopadhayay, K. R. Chakraborty and T. P. Sinha (2010) Effects of Substitution of Titanium by Iron and Niobium on the
Structure and Dielectric Properties in BaTi1–x(Fe0.5Nb0.5)xO3, Integrated
Ferroelectrics, vol. 117, pp. 34–39.
T. Badapanda, S.
K.Rout, L. S. Cavalcante, J. C. Sczancoski, S. Panigrahi, T. P. Sinha and E. Longo (2010) Structural
and dielectric relaxor properties of yttrium–doped Ba(Zr0.25Ti0.75)O3
ceramics, Materials Chemistry and
Physics, vol. 121, pp. 147–153.
Alo Dutta, T. P. Sinha and S. Shannigrahi (2010) Electronic structure of Sr2AlNbO6:
Dielectric and XPS study, Japanese
Journal of Applied Physics, vol.
49, pp. 061504(1–6).
Shekhar, Kumar
Brajesh, A. K. Himanshu, S. K. Bandyopadhayay and T. P. Sinha (2010) Dielectric
Studies of Ba Substitution in Lead Zinc Niobate–lead Zirconium Titanate Ceramics
by Precipitation Method, Integrated
Ferroelectrics, vol. 116, pp.
A. K. Himanshu,
B. K. Choudhary, S. N. Singh, D. C. Gupta, S. K. Bandyopadhayay and T. P. Sinha (2010) Synthesis and dielectric relaxation studies of Ba substitution in Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3
ceramics by co–precipitation method, Solid
State Sciences, vol.12, pp. 1231–1234.
Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2010) First
principles study of electronic structure and optical properties of double
perovskite Ba2(InM)O6 [M = Nb, Ta], Solid State Communications, vol. 150,
pp. 1173–1177.
Lata Agrawal, B.
P. Singh and T. P. Sinha (2010) Dielectric
Relaxation in Complex Perovskite Oxide In(Co1/2Ti1/2)O3, Integrated Ferroelectrics, vol. 118,
pp. 24–33.
98. Nishant Kumar, Alo Dutta, S. Prasad
and T. P. Sinha (2010) Dielectric relaxation of complex perovskite
Sm(Ni1/2Zr1/2)O3, Physica B, vol. 405, pp.
99. D. K. Mahato, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2010) Impedance spectroscopy analysis of double perovskite Ho2NiTiO6,
Journal of Materials Science, vol. 45,
pp. 6757–6762.
100. H. Sharma, Kumar Brajesh, K. Kumari,
A. K. Himanshu, S. K. Bandyopadhyay and T.
P. Sinha (2010) Dielectric Relaxation
and Phase Transition in [Pb0.94Sr0.6][(Mn1/3Sb2/3)0.05(Zr0.55Ti0.45)0.95]O3
Ceramics, Integrated Ferroelectrics,
vol. 117, pp. 11–27.
101. Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2011) Dielectric
relaxation and conduction mechanism in LaNi3/4M1/4O3
(M=Mo, W) at low temperature, Journal
of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 509, pp. 1705–1710.
102. Chandrahas Bharti and T. P. Sinha (2011) Electrical analysis of a newly synthesized rare earth double perovskite
oxide: Sr2CeNbO6, Physica B, vol. 406, pp. 624–627.
103. A. K. Himanshu, S. K. Bandyopadhayay, P. Sen, N. N. Mondal, A.
Talpatra, G. S. Taki and T. P. Sinha
(2011) Electrical studies of low
energy Ar9+ irradiated conducting polymer PANI–PVA, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, vol. 80, pp. 414–419.
104. P. Kumar, B. P. Singh, T. P. Sinha and N. K. Singh (2011) AC conductivity and dielectric relaxation in
Ba(Sm1/2Nb1/2)O3 ceramic, Physica B, vol. 406, pp. 139–143.
A. K. Mishra, T. P. Sinha, S. Bandyopadhyay and D.
Das (2011) Structural and magnetic
properties of nanocrystalline Fe–doped SnO2, Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol.
125, pp. 252–256.
Lata Agrawal, Alo
Dutta, S. Shannigrahi, B. P. Singh and T.
P. Sinha (2011) Impedance
spectroscopy study and ground state electronic properties of In(Mg1/2Ti1/2)O3,
Physica B, vol. 406, pp. 1081–1087.
Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2011) Structural and dielectric properties of A(Fe1/2Ta1/2)O3
[ A = Ba, Sr, Ca], Materials
Research Bulletin, vol. 46, pp. 518–524.
S. Sanna, C.
Thierfelder, S. Wippermann, T. P. Sinha and
W. G. Schmidt (2011) Ground– and
excited–state properties of barium titanate from first–principles calculations,
Physical Review B, vol.
83, 054112–1–9.
D. K. Mahato, Alo
Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2011) Dielectric
relaxation and ac conductivity of double perovskite oxide Ho2ZnZrO6, Physica B, vol. 406, pp. 2703–2708.
A. Pal, B. K. Mishra, R. K. Nath, S. Deb, S. Panigrahi and T. P. Sinha (2011) Study of miscibility and aggregate formation in nano–dimensional
Langmuir–Blodgett films of p–quaterphenyl with stearic acid, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters,
vol. 3, pp. 328–334.
Chandrahas Bharti
and T. P. Sinha (2011) Structural and ac electrical properties of a
newly synthesized single phase rare earth double perovskite oxide: Ba2CeNbO6,
Physica B, vol. 406, pp. 1827–1832.
M. P. Ghimire,
Sandeep, T. P. Sinha and R. K. Thapa
(2011) First principles study of the
electronic and optical properties of SbTaO4 Physica B, vol. 406, pp. 3454–3457.
Chandrahas Bharti
and T. P. Sinha (2011) Synthesis, structure and dielectric
properties of a rare earth double perovskite oxide Ba2CeTaO6
Materials Research Bulletin, vol.46, pp.1431–1436.
D. K. Mahato, Alo
Dutta, Nishant Kumar and T. P. Sinha
(2011) Electrical properties of the double perovskite oxide Ho2CuZrO6, Physica
Scripta, vol.84, pp.015602(1–3).
P. Kumar, B. P.
Singh, T. P. Sinha and N. K. Singh
(2011) Dielectric and impedance
properties of Sr(Sm0.5Nb0.5)O3 ceramics, Solid State Sciences, vol. 13, pp.
M. P. Ghimire, Sandeep, T.
P. Sinha and R. K. Thapa (2011) Ground state electronic and magnetic
properties of RCrSb3 (R =
La, Ce, Nd, Gd and Dy): A first principles study, Solid
State Communications, vol.151, pp.1224–1227.
M. P. Ghimire, Sandeep, T.
P. Sinha and R. K. Thapa (2011) First principles study of the electronic
and magnetic properties ofsemi–Heusler alloys NiXSb (X = Ti, V, Cr and Mn), Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 509, pp. 9742–9752.
T. Badapanda, V.
Senthil, S. K. Rout, L. S. Cavalcante, A. Z. Simoes, T. P. Sinha, S.
Panigrahi, M. M. de Jesus, E. Longo and J. A. Varela (2011) Rietveld refinement, microstructure,
conductivity and impedance properties of Ba(Zr0.25Ti0.75)O3
Ceramic, Current Applied Physics, vol. 11, pp. 1282–1293.
S. K. Neogi, R.
Karmakar, A. Banerjee, S. Bandyopadhyay, R. Kumar, A. Banerjee, A. Mallik and T. P. Sinha (2011) Paramagnetic and anti–ferromagnetic interactions in sol– gel derived Zn1–xMnxO
[50 MeV Li3+ irradiated (x = 0.04) and unirradiated (x = 0.02 and
0.04)] samples, Radiation Effects
and Defects in Solids, vol. 166, pp. 675–681.
D. K. Mahato, Alo
Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2011) Dielectric relaxation in a double perovskite
oxide Ho2CdTiO6, Bulletin
of Materials Science, vol. 34, pp. 455–462.
D. K. Mahato, Alo
Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2011) Dielectric relaxation and ac conductivity of
double perovskite Ho2ZnTiO6, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, vol. 49, pp. 613–618.
P. Kumar, B. P. Singh, T. P. Sinha and N. K.
Singh (2011) X–ray
and electrical properties of Ba(Gd0.5Nb0.5)O3
ceramic, Advanced Materials Letters, vol. 2, pp. 76–81.
A. Pal, S. Panigrahi, R. K. Nath, S. Deb, T. P.
Sinha and B. K. Mishra (2011) Aggregation
of non–amphiphilic bathophenanthroline in the restricted geometry of
Langmuir–Blodgett films with two
different matrices, Thin Solid Films, vol. 520, pp.
N. Kumar, Alo Dutta, S.
Prasad and T. P. Sinha (2012) Structural and electrical properties of
Gd(Ni1/2Zr1/2)O3, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 511, pp. 144–148.
T. Badapanda, V.
Senthil, S. K. Rout, S. Panigrahi and T.
P. Sinha (2012) Frequency–Temperature dependence of Dy doped
Ba(Zr0.25Ti0.75)O3 Ceramic: Impedance and
modulus spectroscopy, Physics
Express, vol. 2, pp. 19(1–12).
126. M. Mishra, S. Ghosh, L. E. Alex, I. Mukherjee, T. P. Sinha and S. Ray Chaudhuri
(2012) Developing a System for
Antibacterial Treatment of Dental Caries using Culture Based Approach, On
Line Journal of Biological Sciences,
vol. 12, pp. 44–53.
T. Badapanda, V.
Senthil, S.K. Rout, S. Panigrahi and T.
P. Sinha (2012) Dielectric relaxation
on Ba1–xBi2x/3Zr0.25Ti0.75O3
ceramic, Materials Chemistry and
Physics, vol. 133, pp.863–870.
Kumar Brajesh, A.
K. Himanshu, H. Sharma, K. Kumari, R. Ranjan, S. K. Bandhopadhyay and T. P. Sinha (2012) Structural, dielectric relaxation and
piezoelectric characterization of Sr2+ substituted modified
PMS–PZT ceramic, Physica B,
vol. 407, pp.635–641.
Bharti, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha
(2012) Modulus spectroscopy study of a double perovskite oxide Sr2CeNbO6:
Frequency and time domain analyses, Solid State Sciences, vol. 14, pp.
Bharti, Alo Dutta, S. Shannigrahi and T.
P. Sinha (2012) Electronic structure,
magnetic and electrical properties of multiferroic PbFe1/2Ta1/2O3,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials, vol. 324, pp. 955–960.
B. Parija, T. Badapanda, S. K. Rout, S. Panigrahi and T. P. Sinha
(2012) Dielectric dispersion and
impedance spectroscopy of lead–free (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3
ferroelectric ceramics, Physics
Express, vol. 2, pp. 21(1–8).
D. K. Mahato, Alo
Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2012) Dielectric relaxation in a new double
perovskite oxide Ho2MgZrO6, Solid State Sciences, vol. 14, pp. 21–25.
P. Kumar, A. K. Sharma, B. P. Singh T. P. Sinha and N. K. Singh (2012) Dielectric Relaxation in
Complex Perovskite Oxide Sr(Gd0.5Nb0.5)O3, Materials Sciences and Applications,
vol. 3, pp. 369–376.
D. K. Mahato, Alo
Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2012) Synthesis and electric characterization of
rare earth double perovskite Ho2CdZrO6 ceramics, Journal of Electroceramics, vol. 29, pp. 99–105.
Kumar, B. P. Singh, T. P. Sinha and
N. K. Singh (2012) A study of structural,
dielectric and electrical properties of Ba(Nd0.5Nb0.5)O3
ceramics, Advanced Materials Letters,
vol. 3, pp. 143–148.
N. Kumar, Alo
Dutta, S. Prasad and T. P. Sinha
(2012) Structural and electrical properties of perovskite Nd(Ni1/2Ti1/2)O3,
Solid State Communications, vol.
152, pp.2003–2007.
Md M. Hoque, Alo
Dutta, S. Kumar and T. P. Sinha
(2012) The impedance spectroscopic study
and dielectric relaxation in A(Ni1/3Ta2/3)O3
[A = Ba, Ca and Sr], Physica B,
vol. 407, pp. 3740–3748.
T. P. Sinha,
Alo Dutta, Sonali Saha, K. Tarafder, B. Sanyal, O. Eriksson and A. Mookerjee (2012) Electronic structure and optical properties of ordered compounds
potassium tantalate and potassium niobate and their disordered alloys, Physica B, vol. 407, pp. 4615–4621.
139. B. Chakraborty, S. Chakraborty, A. K.
Basu, B. Aditya, T. P. Sinha, T. M.
Dhar and C. Saha (2012) Isolation and
Characterization of Pseudomonas sp. STM 997 from Soil Sample
having Potentiality to Degrade
3,6–Dimethyl–1–keto–1,2,3,4–tetrahydrocarbazole:A Novel Approach, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, vol. 168, pp. 1765–1777.
140. S. Das, I. Mukherjee, M. Sudarshan, T. P. Sinha, A. R. Thakur and S. Ray
Chaudhuri (2012) Bacterial isolates of marine coast as commercial producer of protease, OnLine
Journal of Biological Sciences, vol.
12, pp. 96–107.
141. D. K. Mahato, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2012) Electrical properties and
scaling behaviour of rare earth based Ho2CoZrO6 double perovskite ceramicss, Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 47, pp. 4226–4232.
142. B. Parija, S. Panigrahi, T. Badapanda
and T. P. Sinha (2012) Morphotropic phase boundary and dielectric
relaxation study of (Ba0.5Na0.5)TiO3–BaTiO3
lead–free ceramic, Journal of
Advanced Dielectrics, vol. 2, pp 1250008 (1–13).
143. Binita Ghosh, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha, (2013) Dielectric relaxation and conduction mechanism in Ba2GdTaO6,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 554, pp. 80-85.
144. Chandrahas Bharti, Sadhan Chanda and T. P. Sinha (2013) Electrical transport mechanism in a newly synthesized rare earth double
perovskite oxide Sr2CeTaO6, Physica B, vol. 409,
pp. 87-92.
145. Sadhan Chanda, Sujoy Saha, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2013) Raman spectroscopy and dielectric properties of nanoceramic NdFeO3,
Materials Research Bulletin,
vol. 48, pp. 1688-1693.
146. Indrani Das, Sadhan Chanda, Alo Dutta, S. Banerjee and
T. P. Sinha (2013), Dielectric relaxation of Y1–xRxFeO3(R
= Dy, Er, x = 0, 0.5), Journal of
Alloys and Compounds, vol. 571,
pp. 56-62.
147. Nishant Kumar, Alo Dutta, S. Prasad and T. P. Sinha (2013) Impedance spectroscopy analysis of complex perovskite Ho(Ni1/2Zr1/2)O3,
Materials Chemistry and Physics,
vol. 139, pp. 134-138.
148. Alo Dutta and T.
P. Sinha (2013) Electronic structure
of A2CrSbO6 (A= Sr, Ca): Ab-initio study, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,
vol. 74, pp. 250-254.
149. Alo Dutta, T.
P. Sinha and S. Shannigrahi (2013) Collective
vibrational modes, XPS and dielectric
susceptibility of Ba2YMO6 [M = Nb, Ta], Physical Review B, vol. 88, pp. 075129 (1-8).
150. Nishant Kumar, Alo Dutta, S. Prasad and T. P. Sinha (2013) Electrical properties of complex perovskite samarium nickel titanate,
Electronic Materials Letters, vol.
9, pp. 635-639.
151. Rajesh Mukherjee,
Sadhan Chanda, C. Bharti, P. Sahu and T. P. Sinha (2013) Micro-structural,
optical properties and ac conductivity of rare earth double perovskite oxides:
Sr2ErNbO6, Physica B, vol. 422, pp. 78-82.
152. Sujoy Saha, Sadhan Chanda, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2013) Dielectric relaxation of NdMnO3 nanoparticles, Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 48,
pp. 4917-4923.
153. Binita Ghosh, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2013) Vibrational modes and electrical transport
in Sr2GdTaO6, Materials
Chemistry and Physics, vol. 143, pp. 26-33.
154. Sumit K. Maity, Alo Dutta,
S. Kumar and T. P. Sinha (2013) Electrical properties of Ba2YbNbO6:
an impedance spectroscopy study, Physica Scripta, vol. 88, pp. 065702-1-7.
155. D. K. Mahato and T.
P. Sinha (2013) Electrical impedance
and electric modulus approach of
double perovskite Pr2ZnZrO6 ceramics, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in
Electronics, vol. 24, pp. 4399-4405.
156. M.
Ganguly, S. K. Rout, T. P. Sinha, S.
K. Sharma, H. Y. Park, C. W. Ahn and I. W. Kim (2013) Characterization and rietveld refinement of A–site deficient lanthanum
doped barium titanate, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.
579, pp. 473-484.
157. Anup Pradhan Sakhya, Alo
Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2014) Dielectric
relaxation of samarium aluminate, Applied Physics A, vol. 114, pp. 1097-1104.
158. Binita Ghosh, Alo Dutta, Santiranjan Shannigrahi and T. P. Sinha (2014) Combined XPS and first
principles study of double–perovskite Ca2GdTaO6, Journal
of Materials Science, vol. 49, pp.
159. Kumar
Brajesh, P.
Kumar, A.K.
Himanshu, Rajeev
Ranjan, S.K.
Bandyopadhyay, T. P.
Sinha, N. K.
Singh (2014) Dielectric relaxation, phase transition and Rietveld studies of
perovskite [Pb0.94Sr0.06][(Mn1/3Sb2/3)0.05(Zr0.52Ti0.48)0.95]O3 ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 589, pp. 443-447.
160. Alo
Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2014) Electronic
structure and linear optical properties of Sr2CdWO6 through
Modified Becke–Johnson potential, Computational
Materials Science, vol. 83, pp. 303–308.
161. Chandrahas Bharti, M. K. Das, A. Sen, Sadhan Chanda
and T. P. Sinha (2014) Rietveld refinement and dielectric
relaxation of a new rare earth based double perovskite oxide:BaPrCoNbO6
, Journal of Solid State Chemistry,
vol. 210, 219–223.
Chandrahas Bharti, A. Sen, Sadhan Chanda and T. P.
Sinha (2014) Structural, vibrational
and electrical properties of ordered double perovskite oxide BaLaMnSbO6,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.
590, pp. 125–130.
163. Sayantani Das, Alo Dutta, S. Banerjee and T. P. Sinha (2014) Phonon modes
and activation energy of Fe-doped CdSe nanoparticles, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, vol. 18, pp.
164. A. K. Himanshu, R. Ray, S. El–Sayed , A. Hassen, S. K.
Bandyopadhyay and T. P. Sinha (2014)
relaxation, structural and thermal studies of 95 MeV O6+ ion
irradiated conducting polymer polyaniline–polyvinyl alcohol, Radiation Effects &
Defects in Solids, vol.169, pp. 73–86.
165. Sujoy Saha, Sadhan Chanda,
Alo Dutta, U. Kumar, R. Ranjan and T. P.
Sinha (2014) Dielectric relaxation and anti-ferromagnetic coupling of
BiEuO3 and BiGdO3, Journal of Magnetism and
Magnetic Materials, vol. 360, pp. 80-86.
166. Premlata
Kumari, Alo Dutta, S. Shannigrahi, S. Prasad and T. P. Sinha (2014) Electronic
structure and electrical properties of Ba2LaTaO6, Journal
of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 593, pp. 275-282.
167. S.
Saha, S. Chanda, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2014) Dielectric
relaxation and phonon modes of NdCrO3 nanostructure, Journal
of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, vol. 69, pp. 553-563.
168. Alo
Dutta, T. P. Sinha and D. Das (2014)
Structural and transport properties of
A2HoTaO6 [A = Ba, Sr, Ca], Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 360, pp.
169. Md M. Hoque, Alo Dutta, S. Kumar and T. P. Sinha (2014) Dielectric Relaxation and Conductivity of Ba(Mg1/3Ta2/3)O3 and Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, vol. 30, pp. 311-320.
170. S. K. Ghosh, M. Ganguly, S. K. Rout, S. Chanda and T. P. Sinha
Structural, Optical
and Dielectric Relaxor Properties of Neodymium Doped Cubic Perovskite (Ba1-xNd2x/3)
(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3, Solid State Sciences, vol. 30, pp. 68-77.
171. R. Mukherjee, B.
Ghosh, S. Saha, C. Bharti and
T. P. Sinha (2014) Structural and electrical transport properties of a
rare earth double perovskite oxide: Ba2ErNbO6, Journal of Rare Earths, vol. 32, pp. 334-342.
172. P. Kumari, Alo Dutta, S.
Prasad and T. P. Sinha (2014) Dielectric
relaxation of double perovskite Ba2LaSbO6, Science and
Culture, vol. 80, pp. 31-35.
C. Bharti, M. K. Das, A. Sen, Sadhan Chanda and T. P.
Sinha (2014) Cationic
ordering,relaxation dynamics and polaron hopping in a new double perovskite
oxide BaPrCoTaO6, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol.
617, pp. 677–682.
174. S. Chanda, S. Saha, A. Dutta, A. S. Mahapatra, P. K.
Chakrabarti, U. Kumar, T. P. Sinha
(2014) Multiferroicity in La1/2Nd1/2FeO3
nanoparticles, Solid State Sciences,
vol. 37, pp. 55-63.
175. R. C. Tiwari, K. S. Pau and T. P. Sinha (2014) Study of
Reproducibility of the sensitivity of the natural salt (Nacl: Cu, Mg, O, As,
Mn) by thermoluminescence (TL), Science
and Technology Journal, vol. 2, pp. 53-56.
176. A. Rajesh, Alo Dutta, K. Gurunathan and T. P. Sinha
(2014) Spin Relaxation of Gd2O3/NiFe2O4
Core–Shell Nanoparticles, Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Letters, vol. 6, pp.450-455.
177. B. Ghosh, S.
Halder and T. P. Sinha (2014) Dielectric
relaxation and collective vibrational modes of double-perovskites A2SmTaO6
(A = Ba, Sr and Ca), Journal
of the American Ceramic Society, vol. 97, pp. 2564-2572.
S. K. Ghosh, M. Ganguly, S. K. Rout and T. P. Sinha (2014) Structural and dielectric
relaxor properties of A-site deficient samarium-doped (Ba1−x Sm2x/3)(Zr0.3Ti0.7O3)
Journal of Materials Science, vol.
49, pp. 5441-5453.
A. Rajesh, M. Manivel Raja, Sujoy Saha, T. P. Sinha and K. Gurunathan
(2014) Synthesis, Physico-Chemical and Electrical Characterizations of Graphene
Nanocomposites, Advanced Science, Engineering
and Medicine, vol. 6,
pp. 1076-1081.
180. S. Das, Alo Dutta, B. Ghosh, S. Banerjee and T. P. Sinha (2014) Dielectric
relaxation of CdSe nanoparticles, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 75, pp. 1245–1251.
S. K. Ghosh, M. Ganguly, S. K. Rout, S. Chanda and T. P. Sinha (2014) Structural, optical and dielectric relaxor properties of neodymium
doped cubic perovskite (Ba1-xNd2x/3)(Zr0.3Ti0.7)O3,
Solid State Sciences, vol. 30, pp.
A. Rajesh, Alo Dutta, K. Gurunathan and T. P. Sinha
(2015) Dielectric Relaxation
of NiFe2O4/Gd2O3 Core-Shell Nanoparticles, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, vol. 15, pp. 6082-6087.
A. P. Sakhya, J. Maibam, S. Saha, S. Chanda, A. Dutta, B. I.
Sharma, R. K. Thapa and T. P. Sinha (2015)
Electronic structure and elastic
properties of ATIO3 (A = Ba, Sr, Ca) perovskites: A first principles
study, Indian Journal of Pure and
Applied Physics, vol. 53, pp. 102-109.
M. P. Ghimire, R. K. Thapa, D. P. Rai, Sandeep, T. P. Sinha and X. Hu (2015) Half metallic ferromagnetism in tri-layered
perovskites Sr4T3O10 (T = Co, Rh), Journal of Applied Physics,vol. 117,
pp. 063903-1-6.
B. Ghosh, Alo Dutta, K. Brajesh and T. P. Sinha (2015) Dielectric
relaxation in double-perovskite Ca2GdTaO6, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics,
vol. 53, pp. 125-133.
S. Chanda, S. Saha, A. Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2015) Structural
and transport properties of double perovskite Dy2NiMnO6,
Materials Research Bulletin, vol.
62, pp. 153-160.
A. P. Sakhya, Alo Dutta, S. Shannigrahi and T. P. Sinha (2015) Electronic structure and optical properties of orthorhombic and
rhombohedral RAlO3 (R = Sm, Nd), Solid State Sciences, vol. 42, pp. 37-44.
S. K. Ghosh, M. Ganguly, S. K. Rout and T. P. Sinha (2015) Order-disorder
correlation on local structure and photo-electrical properties of La3+
ion modified BZT ceramics, The
European Physical Journal Plus, vol. 130, pp. 68-1-18.
R. Mukherjee, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2015) Collective
vibrational modes and dielectric relaxation of Ca2ErNbO6,
Materials Science in Semiconductor
Processing, vol. 39, pp. 67-73.
Alo Dutta, S. Saha, P. Kumari, T. P. Sinha and S. Shannigrahi (2015) Crystal structure and X-ray photoemission spectroscopic study of A2La
MO6 [A = Ba, Ca; M = Nb, Ta], Journal of Solid State Chemistry, vol. 229, pp. 296-302.
191. S. Das, S. Banerjee, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2015) Vibrational
and thermal studies of CdSe nanorods, Materials Science in Semiconductor
Processing, vol. 40, pp. 412–417.
R. Gupta, S. Das, T.
P. Sinha and K. K. Bamzai (2015) Effect
of cadmium doping on electrical properties of lead nickel niobate-lead
zirconate titanate [Pb1.0(Ni0.167Nb0.333Zr0.155Ti0.345)O3]
ceramics, Ceramics International,
vol. 41, pp.13241-13249.
Alo Dutta, P. Kumari and T.
P. Sinha (2015) Electrical properties
of double perovskite oxides Sr2LaSbO6: an impedance
spectroscopic study, Electronic
Materials Letters, vol. 11, pp. 775-781.
S. Chanda, S. Saha, A. Dutta, B. Irfan, R. Chatterjee and T. P. Sinha (2015) Magnetic and dielectric properties of orthoferrites La1-xPrxFeO3
(x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5), Journal
of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 649, pp. 1260-1266.
B. Ghosh, A. Dutta, S. Shannigrahi and T. P. Sinha (2015) Photophysical
electronic structure of double-perovskites A2GdTaO6 (a =
Ba and Sr), Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, vol. 648, pp. 111-115.
R. Mukherjee, S. Saha, A. Dutta, and T. P. Sinha (2015) Dielectric
and Raman spectroscopic studies of A2ErSbO6 (A = Ba, Sr
and Ca), Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, vol. 651, pp. 222-229.
S. Halder, L. Agrawal, A. Dutta, M. S. Sheikh and T. P. Sinha (2015) Structural and Dielectric relaxation of A(In1/4Fe1/4)Nb1/2O3
(A= Ba, Sr, Ca), IISER-
International Journal of Research, vol. 1, pp. 55-58.
S. Saha, S. Chanda, A. Dutta, D. Das and T. P. Sinha (2015) Dielectric
dispersion and antiferromagnetism in BiTbxFe1-xO3
(x = 1.0, 0.75), Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 398, pp. 289-297.
A. P. Sakhya, A. Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2015) Dielectric
relaxation, modulus behaviour and conduction mechanism in NdAlO3
ceramics, Journal of Electronic
Materials, vol. 44, pp. 3801-3810.
D. K. Mahato and T. P.
Sinha (2015) Electrical conductivity
and dielectric relaxation in Pr2CoZrO6
double perovskite, Journal of Alloys
and Compounds, vol. 634, pp. 246-252.
A. Dutta, S. Halder and T. P. Sinha (2015) Electronic structure and magnetic properties
of Ba2LnMoO6 (Ln
= Nd, Gd and Y), Advanced
Science Letters, vol. 21, pp. 2911-2914.
S. Chanda, A. Dutta, S. Saha, S. Bhattacharjee and T. P. Sinha (2015)
Electronic structure of double perovskite Lu2CoMnO6, Advanced Science Letters, vol. 21, pp. 2875-2878.
203. A. P. Sakhya,
A. Dutta, S. Shannigrahi and T. P. Sinha (2015) Optical properties of SmAlO3
from first principles calculation, Advanced Science Letters, vol. 21, pp. 2871-2874.
S. Saha, S. Chanda, A. Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2015) Ground
State Properties of NdMnO3. Advanced
Science Letters, vol. 21, pp. 2705-2708.
R. Tripathi, Alo Dutta, S. Das, A. Kumar and T. P. Sinha (2016) Dielectric relaxation of CdO nanoparticles, Applied Nanoscience, vol. 6, pp. 175-181.
R. Mukherjee, A. Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2016) Dielectric
relaxation of rare earth ordered double perovskite oxide Ba2ErTaO6,
Journal of Electronic Materials,
vol. 45, pp. 846-852.
D. K. Mahato, S. Saha and T. P. Sinha (2016) Structural
studies and impedance spectroscopy of sol-gel derived Bi0.9Pr0.1FeO3
nanoceramics, Journal of Physics and
Chemistry of Solids, vol. 92, pp. 45-52.
A. P. Sakhya, A. Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2016) Dielectric
and impedance spectroscopic studies of neodymium gallate, Physica B, vol. 488, pp. 1-7.
A. P. Sakhya, A. Dutta, S. Shannigrahi and T. P. Sinha (2016) Electronic structure, optical dielectric constant and born effective
charge of EuAlO3, Journal
of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol. 88, pp. 1-7.
S. Saha, S. Chanda, A. Dutta and T.P. Sinha (2016) Dielectric
relaxation of PrFeO3 nanoparticles, Solid State Sciences, vol. 58, pp. 55-63.
Alo Dutta, P. K. Mukhopadhyay, T. P. Sinha, S. Shannigrahi, A. K. Himanshu, P. Sen and S. K.
Bandyopadhyay (2016) Sr2SmNbO6
perovskite: Synthesis, Characterization and density funtional theory
calculations, Materials Chemistry
and Physics, vol. 179, pp. 55-64.
S. Saha, S. Chanda, A. Dutta, D. Das and T. P. Sinha (2016) Dielectric
dispersion and antiferromagnetism in BiTbxFe1-xO3
(x = 1.0, 0.75), Journal of
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 398, pp. 289-297.
D. K. Mahato, S. Saha and T. P. Sinha (2016) Impedance,
scaling behavior and conduction mechanism in double perovskite Pr2CuZrO6,
Journal of Materials Science: Materials
in Electronics, vol. 27, pp. 3845-3853.
A. P. Sakhya, D. P. Rai, Sandeep, A. Dutta, R. K. Thapa and T. P. Sinha (2016) Electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of PrMO3
(M = Al, Ga, In) from first-principles calculations, Royal Society of Chemistry Advances, vol. 6, pp. 59988-59997.
Alo Dutta, P. K. Mukhopadhyay, T. P. Sinha, D. Das and S. Shannigrahi (2016) Structural and magnetic properties of double perovskite oxide Ba2CeSbO6,
Solid State Sciences, vol. 58,
pp. 64-69.
Sandeep, D. P. Rai, A. Shankar, M. P. Ghimire, A. P. Sakhya, T.P. Sinha, R. Khenata, S. B. Omram and R.
K. Thapa (2016), Band-gap engineering of
La1-xNdxAlO3 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
perovskite using density functional theory: a modified Becke Johnson Potential
study, Chinese Physics B, vol.
25, pp. 067100.
217. D.P. Rai,
Sandeep, A. Shankar, A. P. Sakhya, T. P. Sinha, R. Khenata, M.P. Ghimire and
R. K. Thapa (2016), Electronic and
magnetic properties of X2YZ and XYZ Heusler compounds: A comparative
study of density functional theory with different exchange-correlation
potentials, Materials
Research Express, vol. 3, pp. 075022.
218. D. K. Mahato, M. Rudra and
T.P. Sinha (2016), Structural and
electrical features of rare earth based double perovskite oxide: Pr2NiZrO6, Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, vol. 689,
pp. 617-624.
219. I. Das, S. Chanda, S. Saha, A. Dutta, S.
Banerjee, S. Bandyopadhyaya and T.P.
Sinha (2016), Electronic structure and transport properties of
antiferromagnetic double perovskite Y2AlCrO6, Royal Society of
Chemistry Advances, vol. 6, pp.
220. S. Chanda, S. Saha, A. Dutta, J. Krishna
Murthy, A. Venimadhav, S. Shannigrahi and T.P.
Sinha (2016), Magnetic ordering and conduction mechanism of
different electroactive regions in La2NiMnO6, Journal of
Applied Physics, vol. 120, pp. 134102(1-10).
S. Halder, A. Dutta and T.
P. Sinha (2017) Dielectric relaxation
and electrical conduction mechanism in A2HoSbO6 (A = Ba,
Sr, Ca) double perovskite ceramics: An impedance spectroscopic analysis, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,
vol. 102, pp. 79-89.
222. R. Ray, A. K. Himanshu, P. Sen, U. Kumar, M. Richter
and T. P. Sinha (2017) Effects of octahedral tilting on the
electronic structure and optical properties of d0double
perovskites A2ScSbO6 (A = Sr, Ca), Journal of Alloys and Compounds,
vol. 705, pp. 497-506.
223. T. Mondal, S.
Das, T. Badapanda, T. P. Sinha and P. M. Sarun (2017) Effect of Ca2+ substitution
on impedance and electrical conduction mechanism of Ba1-xCaxZr0.1Ti0.9O3 (0.00≤ x ≤0.20)
ceramics, Physica B, vol. 508, pp. 124-135.
Md. M. Hoque, A. Barua, A. Dutta, S.K. Dey, T.P. Sinha and S. Kumar (2017) Study on the structural, spectroscopic, and
dielectric properties of 1:2 ordered Ca3(B′Ta2)O9
(B′ = Mg and Zn) Ionics, vol. 23, pp. 471–483.
D. K. Mahato and T. P. Sinha (2017) Observation of semiconductor to metallic transition and polaron hopping
in double perovskite Pr2CoTiO6 ceramics, Physica B, vol. 512, pp. 85-90.
D. K. Mahato and T. P. Sinha (2017) Dielectric, impedance and conduction behaviour of double perovskite Pr2CuTiO6
ceramics, Journal of Electronic
Materials, vol. 46, pp. 107-115.
D. P. Rai, Sandeep, A. Shankar, A. P. Sakhya, T. P. Sinha, B.
Merabet, M. M. Saad, R. Khenata, A. Boochani, S. Solaymani and R. K. Thapa
(2017) Electronic and optical properties
of cubic SrHfO3 at different pressures: a first principles study,
Materials Chemistry and Physics,
vol. 186, pp. 620-626.
228. S. Halder, Md. S. Sheikh, B. Ghosh and T.P. Sinha (2017) Electronic structure and electrical conduction by polaron hopping
mechanism in A2LuTaO6 (A= Ba, Sr, Ca) double perovskite
oxides, Ceramics International,
vol. 43, pp. 11097-11108.
229. S. Halder, Md. S. Sheikh, B. Ghosh and T. P. Sinha (2017) Octahedral distortion induced phonon vibration and electrical
conduction in A2NdSbO6 (A = Ba, Sr, Ca), Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol.
199, pp. 508-521.
S. Halder, A. Dutta and T.P. Sinha (2017) Time–temperature superposition in the grain and
grain boundary response regime of A2HoRuO6 (A = Ba, Sr,
Ca) double perovskite ceramics: a conductivity spectroscopic analysis, Royal Society of Chemistry Advances,
vol. 7, pp. 43812- 43825.
A. P. Sakhya, D. P. Rai, Md. S. Sheikh, M. Mukherjee, A. Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2017) Origin of the optical anisotropy and the electronic
structure of Ru-based double perovskite oxides: DFT and XPS studies, Royal Society of Chemistry Advances,
vol. 7, pp. 43531- 43539.
Md. S. Sheikh, A. P. Sakhya, A.
Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2017) Light induced charge transport in La2NiMnO6
based Schottky diode, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 727, pp. 238-245.
Md. S. Sheikh, D. Ghosh, A. Dutta, S. Bhattacharyya and T.P. Sinha (2017) Lead free double perovskite oxides Ln2NiMnO6
(Ln = La, Eu, Dy, Lu), a new promising material for photovoltaic application Materials Science and Engineering B,
vol 226, pp. 10-17.
Md. S. Sheikh, A. P. Sakhya, A. Dutta and T. P. Sinha (2017) Dielectric relaxation of CH3NH3PbI3
thin film, Thin Solid Films,
vol. 638, pp. 277-281.
Md. S. Sheikh, A. P. Sakhya,
P. Sadhukhan, A. Dutta, S. Das and T. P.
Sinha (2017) Dielectric relaxation
and Ac conductivity of perovskites CH3NH3PbX3
(X = Br, I), Ferroelectrics, vol. 514, pp. 146-157.
Md. S. Sheikh, S. Chanda, A.
Dey, A. Dutta, P.P. Ray and T.P. Sinha (2017)
Investigation of light induced charge transport
properties in Dy2NiMnO6 perovskite based Schottky diode, Ferroelectrics, vol. 518, pp. 204-211.
A. Dutta, S. Mandal, P. Kumari, P. K. Mukhopadhyay, S.
K. Biswas and T. P. Sinha (2017) Crystal Structure and Dielectric Properties
of Microwave Ceramics CaLa(CaM)O6 [M = Nb, Sb], Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 46, pp. 1189-1194.
A. Dutta, S.
K. Singh, V. R. K. Murthy, P. K. Mukhopadhyay and T. P. Sinha (2018) Crystal
structure, Raman spectroscopy and microwave dielectric properties of xBa3MgNb2O9–(1-x)Ba2InNbO6
[x=0.4, 0.6, 0.8], Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 100, pp. 178-183.
R. A. Kumar, Alo Dutta, P. K. Mukhopadhyay and T.P. Sinha (2018) Antiferromagnetic behaviour and dielectric relaxation
of xBa2FeNbO6-(1-x)LaFeO3 [x =
0.1, 0.3, 0.5] Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 730, pp.
S. Das, S. Banerjee and T. P. Sinha (2018) AC –
Conductivity Study of CdSe Nanorods, Advances
in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 2, pp. 1-5.
Md S. Sheikh, S. Chanda, A. Dutta, S. Das and T. P. Sinha (2018) Schottky diode like behaviour in Ag/Dy2NiMnO6/FTO
device, Materials Today: Proceedings
vol. 5, pp. 9839–9845.
Paper published in American Institute of
Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings
1. A. K. Himanshu, S. K.
Bandyopadhyay, P. Sen and T. P. Sinha
(2011) Electric modulus studies of low energy Ar9+
irradiated conducting polymer PANI-PVA,
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1349, pp. 210-211.
2. A. K. Himanshu, S. K.
Bandyopadhayay, R. Bahuguna, D. K. Ray and T. P. Sinha
(2011) Synthesis and dielectric studies of
polyaniline-polyacrylamide conducting polymer composites, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1349, pp. 204-205.
3. Dev K. Mahato, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha
(2011) Dielectric properties of double perovskite Ho2CuZrO6, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1349, pp. 947-948.
4. R. Mukherjee, C. Bharti and T. P. Sinha
(2011) Dielectric relaxation of A2ErNbO6 ( A=Ba2+ and Sr2+), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1349, pp. 1311-1312.
5. S. Saha, Alo Dutta and T. P. Sinha
(2011) Dielectric relaxation in complex perovskite BiFe1−xTbxO3, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1349, pp. 1057-1058.
6. N. Kumar, S. Prasad and T. P. Sinha
(2011) Dielectric relaxation in complex perovskite Sm(Ni1/2Ti1/2)O3, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1349, pp. 136-137.
7. C. Bharti and T. P. Sinha
(2011) Structural
and electrical properties of rare earth double perovskite oxides Ba2CeMO6
(M=Ta5+ and Nb5+
), AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.
1349, pp. 1033-1034.
8. A. K. Himanshu, S. K.
Bandyopadhayay, R. Bahuguna, D. K. Ray and T. P. Sinha
(2012) Synthesis and dielectric studies of
polyorthotoluidine-polyacrylamide conducting polymer composites, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1447, pp. 149-150.
9. B. K. Choudhary, A. K. Himanshu, U. Kumar, S. K.
Bandyopadhyay, P. Sen, S. N. Singh and T.
P. Sinha (2013) Magnetic and
ferroelectric studies of double perovskite (KBi)(FeNb)O6 ceramics, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1512,
pp. 1268-1269.
10. C. Bharti, A. Sen and T. P. Sinha
(2013) Enhanced dielectric and ferroelectric properties of Ca2+
substituted sodium bismuth titanate,
AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1512, pp. 1306-1307.
11. I. Das, S. Chanda, Alo Dutta, S. Banerjee and T. P. Sinha (2013) Structural and dielectric
properties of Y1/2Er1/2FeO3, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.
1512, pp. 946-947.
S. Saha, A. P. Sakhya, S. Das and T. P. Sinha (2013) Structural and transport
properties of NdCrO3 nanoceramics, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1512, pp. 930-931.
13. B. Ghosh, S. Chanda, A. P. Sakhya and T. P. Sinha (2013) Vibrational modes and
Electronic Structure of Sr2GdTaO6, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.
1512, pp. 814-815.
14. S. Chanda, I. Das, S. Saha and T. P. Sinha
(2013) Structural, Raman spectroscopy and
dielectric relaxation study of nanoceramics NdFeO3, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1512, pp. 216-217.
15. A. K. Himanshu, R. Bahuguna, D. K. Ray, S. K.
Bandyopadhyay and T. P. Sinha (2013)
Synthesis and dielectric studies of
polyorthotoluidine-polyvinyl pyrrolidone conducting polymer composites, AIP
Conference Proceedings, vol. 1512, pp. 174-175.
16. P. Kumari, Alo Dutta, S. Prasad and T. P. Sinha (2014)
Structural and dielectric properties of Ba2LaSbO6
ceramics, AIP
Conference Proceedings, vol. 1591, pp. 1289-1290.
17. R. Ray, A. K. Himanshu, Kumar Brajesh, S. K.
Bandyopadhyay, U. Kumar and T. P. Sinha (2014) Phase transitions in double
perovskite Sr2ScSbO6: an Ab-initio study , AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1591, pp.
18. R. Ray, A. K. Himanshu, Kumar Brajesh, B. K.
Choudhary, S. K. Bandyopadhyay, P. Sen, U. Kumar and T. P. Sinha (2014) Electronic
structure of the ordered double perovskite Ba2CoWO6, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1591,
pp. 1155-1156.
19. T. Badapanda, S. Sarangi, B. Behera, S. Anwar and T. P. Sinha (2014) Effect of samarium doping on the dielectric behaviour of barium
zirconium titanate ceramic, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1591, pp.
20. S. Das, A. Dutta, B. Ghosh, S. Banerjee and T. P. Sinha (2015) Structural and transport properties of CdSe nanorod, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1665, pp. 050056.
21. T. Mondal, P. M. Sarun, S. Das and T. P. Sinha (2015) Investigation of dielectric properties of La0.33NbO3 ceramics, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1665, pp. 110043.
22. S. K. Maity, A. Dutta, T. P. Sinha and S. Kumar (2015) Impedance spectroscopy analysis of complex perovskite Sr2YbTaO6, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1665, pp. 110044.
23. T. Badapanda, S. Sarangi, B. Behera, S. Saha and T. P. Sinha (2015) Structure and phase transition behavior of strontium modified barium
zirconium titanate, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1665, pp. 030037.
24. S. Das, S. Banerjee and T. P. Sinha (2016) Magnetic
study of Fe-doped CdSe nanomaterials, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.
1728, pp. 020105.
25. B. Ghosh, S. Halder, S. Das and T. P. Sinha (2016) Understanding
the photoluminescence characteristics of Eu3+-doped double-perovskite by
electronic structure calculation, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1731,
pp. 090018.
26. K. K. Pandey,
N. Garg, A. K. Mishra, T. P. Sinha
and S. M. Sharma (2016) High pressure
structural evolution of SrFe0.5Nb0.5O3, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol.
1731, pp. 030029.
27. R. Ray, A. K. Himanshu, J. Lahiri, U. Kumar, P.
Sen, S. K. Bandyopadhyay and T. P. Sinha
(2016) Optical and electronic properties
of double perovskite Ba2ScSbO6, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1731, pp.
28. G. Mandal, D. Jha, A. K. Himanshu, P. Mukherjee,
N. K. Das, B. K. Singh, U. Kumar and T.
P. Sinha (2017) Optical and
electronic structure studies of half metallic in Sr2CoWO6
double perovskite, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 1832, pp. 140039.
- Awarded Materials Research Society of India Medal in February 2014.,
Image | Name | Designation | Department | Campus | Contact number |
Ph.D. awarded:
1) Sonali Saha
2) Dilip Kumar Roy