Saikat Biswas
Associate Professor
Saikat Biswas
Associate Professor, Physical Sciences
PhD: Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre / University of Calcutta, 2011
Previous appointments:
Post Doctoral Fellow, Detector Laboratory GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Germany [Nov 2010 - Nov 2012]
DST-SERB Ramanujan Fellow, VECC, Kolkata [Nov 2012 - June 2013]
DST-SERB Ramanujan Fellow and Scientific Officer (D), NISER, Bhubaneswar [June 2013 - Nov 2015]
Assistant Professor, Bose Institute, Kolkata [Nov 2015 - Feb 2020]
Research interests:
Instrumentation for experimental high energy physics
Detection of cosmic ray
Medical imaging
Address: |
Physical Sciences Unified Academic Campus Bose Institute EN-80, Sector V Bidhan Nagar Kolkata - 700 091, India |
E-Mail: | saikat[at]jcbose.ac.in |
Phone: | +91-33-25693234 |
We are working on the Physics of the particle detectors, specifically on the research of gaseous detectors and the scintillation detector.
Bose Institute is contributing to the research program of up-gradation of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) with Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) at CERN, Geneva and on the Muon Chamber (CBM-MUCH) of CBM experiment at FAIR, Germany. The goal of the ALICE experiment is to study the physics of Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) at low baryonic density and high temperature, whereas that of CBM is to study the QGP physics at low temperature and moderate to high baryon densities. As both these detection systems will use GEM based chambers, we are working on the R&D of these detectors in the High Energy Physics detector laboratory.
An array of seven plastic scintillator detectors is operational at an altitude of about 2200 m above the sea level in the Himalayas at the Centre for Astroparticle Physics & Space Sciences, Darjeeling campus of Bose Institute, for detection of cosmic ray air showers since the end of January 2018. Our group is also involved on the research of such scintillation detectors.
Our R&D program includes research on Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC), Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM), Straw tube detector, Multi Wire Proportional Chamber (MWPC) and Scintillation detector (for cosmic ray study).
1. Biswas S, Bhattacharya S, Bose S, Chattopadhyay S, Saha S, Sharan M K,
Viyogi Y P. Performances of linseed oil-free bakelite RPC prototypes with cosmic
ray muons. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 602,749 -
753 (2009). [arXiv:0907.2976]
2. Bose S, Biswas S, Saha S, Sharan M K, Bhattacharya S. Control system for a four-component gas mixing unit. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 602, 839 - 841 (2009).
3. Behere Anita, Bhatia M S, Chandratre V B, Datar V M, Mukhopadhyay P K, Jena Satyajit, Viyogi Y P, Bhattacharya Sudeb, Saha Satyajit, Bhide Sarika, Kalmani S D, Mondal N K, Nagraj P, Nagesh B K, Rao Shobha K, Reddy L V, Saraf M, Satyanarayana B, Shinde R R, Upadhya S S, Verma P, Biswas Saikat, Chattopadhyay Subhasish, Sarma P R. INO prototype detector and data acquisition system. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 602, 784 - 787 (2009).
4. Biswas S, Bhattacharya S, Bose S, Chattopadhyay S, Saha S, Viyogi Y P. Development of linseed oil-free Bakelite Resistive Plate Chambers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 604, 310 - 313 (2009). [arXiv:0907.2978]
5. Biswas S, Bhattacharya S, Bose S, Chattopadhyay S, Saha S, Viyogi Y P. Study of timing properties of single gap high-resistive bakelite RPC. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 617, 138 - 140 (2010). [arXiv:0907.2982]
6. Biswas S, Bhattacharya Purba, Bhattacharya S, Bose S, Chattopadhyay S, Majumdar N, Mukhopadhyay S, Saha S, Viyogi Y P. Performances of silicone coated high resistive bakelite RPC. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 661, S94 - S97 (2012). [arXiv:1206.5627]
7. Abuhoza Alhussain, Biswas S, Frankenfeld U, Hehner J, Schmidt C J, Schmidt H R. Study of the influence of construction materials on the ageing properties of high rate gas detectors. Physics Procedia, 37, 442 - 447 (2012).
8. Meghna K K, Banerjee A, Biswas S, Bhattacharya S, Bose S, Chattopadhyay S, Das G, Marick C, Saha S, Viyogi Y P. Surface resistivity measurements and related performance studies of the Bakelite RPC detectors. Proceedings of Science, PoS(RPC2012)031.
9. Majumdar N, Mukhopadhyay S, Bhattacharya P, Biswas S, Bhattacharya S, Saha S, Chattopadhyay S. Study on Surface Asperities in Bakelite-RPC. Proceedings of Science , PoS(RPC2012)026.
10. Biswas S, Abuhoza A, Frankenfeld U, Hehner J, Schmidt C J, Schmidt H R, Traeger M, Colafranceschi S, Marinov A, Sharma A. Study of the characteristics of GEM detectors for the future FAIR experiment CBM. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 718, 403 - 405 (2013). [arXiv:1408.0075]
11. Abuhoza A, Schmidt H R, Biswas S, Frankenfeld U, Hehner J, Schmidt C J. Setup optimization toward accurate ageing studies of gas filled detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 718, 400 - 402 (2013).
12. Banerjee A, Roy A, Biswas S, Chattopadhyay S, Das G, Pal S. Development of Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) for medical imaging. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 718, 138 - 139 (2013). [arXiv:1408.0280]
13. Meghna K K, Banerjee A, Biswas S, Bhattacharya S, Bose S, Chattopadhyay S, Das G, Marick C, Saha S, Viyogi Y P. Measurement of electrical properties of electrode materials for the bakelite Resistive Plate Chambers. JINST, 7, P10003 (2012). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/7/10/P10003. [arXiv:1206.5894]
14. Majumdar N, Mukhopadhyay S, Bhattacharya P, Biswas S, Bhattacharya S, Saha S, Chattopadhyay S. A numerical study on surface asperities in bakelite-RPC. JINST, 7, P11027 (2012) doi:10.1088/1748-0221/7/11/T11027.
15. Biswas S, Schmidt D J, Abuhoza A, Frankenfeld U, Garabatos C, Hehner J, Kleipa V, Morhardt T, Schmidt C J, Schmidt H R, Wiechula J. Development of a GEM based detector for the CBM Muon Chamber (MUCH). JINST, 8, C12002 (2013) doi:10.1088/1748-0221/8/12/C12002. [arXiv:1310.0642]
16. Dubey A K, Chattopadhyay S, Saini J, Singaraju R, Murthy G S N, Viyogi Y P, Abuhoza A, Biswas S, Frankenfeld U, Hehner J, Kleipa V, Morhardt T, Schmidt C J, Schmidt D J, Lymanets A, Schmidt H R. Testing of triple-GEM chambers for CBM experiment at FAIR using self-triggered readout electronics. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 755, 62- 68 (2014).
17. Yang C, Huang X J, Du C M, Huang B C, Ahammed Z, Banerjee A, Bhattarari P, Biswas S, Bowen B, Butterworth J, Calder ́on de la Barca Sa ́nchez M, Carson H, Chattopadhyay S, Cebra D, Chen H F, Cheng J P, Codrington M, Eppley G, Flores C, Geurts F, Hoffmann G W, Jentsch A, Kesich A, Li C, Li Y J, Llope W J, Mioduszewski S, Mohamed Y, Nussbaum T, Roy A, Ruan L, Schambach J J, Sun Y J, Wang Y, Xin K, Xu Z, Yang S, Zhu X L. Calibration and performance of the STAR Muon Telescope Detector using cosmic rays. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 762, 1-6 (2014).
18. Roy A, Banerjee A, Biswas S, Chattopadhyay S, Das G, Saha S. Performance simulation of a MRPC-based PET imaging system. JINST, 9, C10030 (2014) doi:10.1088/1748-0221/9/10/C10030.
19. Biswas S, Abuhoza A, Frankenfeld U, Garabatos C, Hehner J, Kleipa V, Morhardt T, Schmidt C J, Schmidt H R, Wiechula J. Measurement of the spark probability of a GEM detector for the CBM muon chamber (MuCh). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 800, 93 - 97 (2015).
20. Nandan Akhilesh P, Rudra Sharmili, Neog Himangshu, Biswas S, Mahapatra S, Mohanty B, Samal P K. A simple technique for gamma ray and cosmic ray spectroscopy using plastic scintillator. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 824, 606 - 608 (2016). [arXiv:1407.7181]
21. Abuhoza A, Schmidt H R, Biswas S, Frankenfeld U, Hehner J, Schmidt C J. Building and commissioning of a setup to study ageing phenomena in gaseous detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 824, 487 - 489 (2016).
22. Patra Rajendra Nath, Nanda Amit, Rudra Sharmili, Bhattacharya P, Sahoo Sumanya Sekhar, Biswas S, Mohanty B, Nayak T K, Sahu P K, Sahu S. Characterisations of GEM detector prototype. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 824, 501 - 503 (2016). [ arXiv:1505.07768]
23. Biswas S, Schmidt D J, Abuhoza A, Frankenfeld U, Garabatos C, Hehner J, Kleipa V, Morhardt T, Schmidt C J, Schmidt H R, Wiechula J. Systematic measurements of the gain and the energy resolution of single and double mask GEM detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 824, 504 - 506 (2016). [ arXiv:1505.07767]
24. Meghna K K, Biswas S, Jash A, Chattopadhyay S, Saha S. Effects of variation of environmental parameters on the performance of Resistive Plate Chamber detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 816, 1 - 8 (2016).
25. Adak R P, Biswas S, Das S, Ghosal D, Ghosh S K, Mondal A, Nag D, Nayak T K, Patra R N, Prasad S K, Raha S, Sahu P K, Sahu S, Swain S. Long-term stability test of a triple GEM detector. JINST, 11, T10001 (2016) doi:10.1088/1748-0221/11/10/T10001. [arXiv:1608.00562]
26. Patra Rajendra Nath, Singaraju Rama N, Biswas Saikat, Ahammed Zubayer, Nayak Tapan K, Viyogi Yogendra P. Measurement of basic characteristics and gain uniformity of a triple GEM detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 862, 25 - 30 (2017). [ arXiv:1705.03849]
27. Sahu S, Nag D, Rudra S, Swain S, Biswas S, Das S, Sahu P K. Design and fabrication of data logger to measure the ambient parameters in gas detector R&D. JINST, 12, C05006 (2017) doi:10.1088/1748-0221/12/05/C05006.
28. Biswas S, Das S, Ghosh S K, Nag D, Raha S. Development of scintillator detector for detection of cosmic ray shower. JINST, 12, C06026 (2017) doi:10.1088/1748-0221/12/06/C06026.
29. Swain S, Adak R P, Biswas S, Hehner J, Patra R N, Rudra S, Sahu P K, Sahu S. A quad-GEM detector prototype operated at very low gas gain. JINST, 12, T07002 (2017) doi:10.1088/1748-0221/12/07/T07002.
30. Biswas Saikat. ALICE TPC upgrade for High-Rate operations. Proceedings of Science , PoS (ICPAQGP2015) 094.
31. Patra Rajendra Nath, Singaraju R. N., Biswas S., Ahammed Z., Nayak T. K., Viyogi Y. P. Gain Uniformity and Characteristics Study of a Triple GEM Detector. IEEE Xplore: 19 October 2017, DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069752.
32. Aggarwal M.M. et al. Particle identification studies with a full-size 4-GEM prototype for the ALICE TPC upgrade. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 903 (2018) 215 - 223.
33. Biswas Saikat, Das Supriya, Ghosh Sanjay Kumar (Editors). Advanced Detectors for Nuclear, High Energy and Astroparticle Physics, Proceedings of ADNHEAP 2017, Springer Proceedings in Physics 201, ISBN 978-981-10-7664-0.
34. Patra Rajendra Nath, Singaraju Rama N., Biswas Saikat, Viyogi Yogendra P., Nayak Tapan K. Characteristic study of a quadruple GEM detector and its comparison with a triple GEM detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 906 (2018) 37 - 42.
35. Roy S., Nandi N., Adak R.P., Biswas S., Das S., Ghosh S.K., Prasad S.K., Raha S. Study of performances of a straw tube detector with high rate. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 936 (2019) 488 - 490.
36. Chakraborty S., Chatterjee S., Roy S., Roy A., Biswas S., Das S., Ghosh S.K., Prasad S.K., Raha S. A new type of RPC with very low resistive material. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 936 (2019) 424- 426.
37. Chatterjee S., Chakraborty S., Roy S., Biswas S., Das S., Ghosh S.K., S.K. Prasad, S. Raha. Study of uniformity of characteristics over the surface for triple GEM detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 936 (2019) 491 - 492.
38. Roy S., Chakraborty S., Chatterjee S., Biswas S., Das S., Ghosh S.K., Maulik A., Raha S. Plastic scintillator detector array for detection of cosmic ray air shower. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 936 (2019) 249 - 251.
39. Roy S., Rudra S., Shaw S., Chatterjee S., Chakraborty S., Adak R.P., Biswas S., Das S., Ghosh S.K., Prasad S.K., Raha S. Stability study of gain and energy resolution for GEM detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 936 (2019) 485 - 487.
40. Patra Rajendra Nath, Rama Narayan, Dalal Somnath, Biswas Saikat, Viyogi Yogendra P., Nayak Tapan K. Characteristic study of a quadruple GEM detector in different electric field configurations. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 936 (2019) 433 - 435.
41. S. Chatterjee, S. Roy, A. Sen, S. Chakraborty, S. Biswas, S. Das, S.K. Ghosh, S.K. Prasad, S. Raha. Long term stability study of triple GEM detector using different Argon based gas mixtures: an update. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1498 (2020) 012037 doi:10.1088/1742- 6596/1498/1/012037.
42. A. Sen, S. Chatterjee, S. Roy, S. Biswas and S. Das. Characterisation of an RPC prototype with moderate resistivity plates using tetrafluoroethane (C2H2F4). 2020 JINST 15 C06055 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/15/06/C06055.
43. S. Chatterjee, U. Frankenfeld, C. Garabatos, J. Hehner, T. Morhardt, C. J. Schmidt, H. R. Schmidt, A. Lymanets, and S. Biswas. Spark probability measurement of a single mask triple GEM detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 977 (2020) 164334.
44. S. Chatterjee, A. Sen, S. Roy, K. Nivedita G, A. Paul, S. Das and S. Biswas. Study of charging up effect in a triple GEM detector. 2020 JINST 15 T09011 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/15/09/T09011.
45. S. Roy, S. Biswas, S. Das, S.K. Ghosh, S. Raha. A study of the secondary cosmic gamma-ray flux in India during the Great American solar eclipse on 21st August 2017. Astrophys Space Sci (2020) 365:172.
46. J. Adolfsson et al. The upgrade of the ALICE TPC with GEMs and continuous read-out. 2021 JINST 16 P03022 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/16/03/P03022.
47. S Roy, S Jaiswal, S. Chatterjee, A Sen, S Das, S K Ghosh, S Raha, V M Lysan, G D Kekelidze, V V Myalkovsky and S. Biswas. Stability study and time resolution measurement of straw tube detectors. Pramana - J. Phys. (2021) 95:50.
48. A Sen, S Chatterjee, S Roy, R Biswas, S Das, S K Ghosh and S Biswas. Cosmic ray flux and lockdown due to COVID-19 in Kolkata - Any correlation? Pramana - J. Phys. (2021) 95:64.
49. R. Bhattacharyya, A. Maulik, R.P. Adak, S. Roy, T.S. Bhattacharya, S. Biswas, S. Das, S. Dey, S.K. Ghosh, K. Palodhi, S. Raha, A. Singha and D. Syam. Attenuation of electromagnetic radiation in Nuclear Track Detectors. 2021 JINST 16 T06001.
50. Shreya Roy, Sayak Chatterjee, Sayan Chakraborty, Saikat Biswas, Supriya Das, Sanjay K. Ghosh, Sunil K. Gupta, Atul Jain, Indranil Mazumdar, Pranaba K. Nayak, and Sibaji Raha. Interplay between eclipses and soft cosmic rays. PoS(ICRC2021)131.
51. Saikat Biswas. Research and development of scintillation detectors for the study of cosmic ray. 2021. Virginia Journal of Business, Technology, and Science, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.51390/vajbts.v1i1.18 .
52. Saikat Biswas. R&D of gas filled detectors for high energy physics experiments. 2021. Virginia Journal of Business, Technology, and Science, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.51390/vajbts.v1i1.3 .
53. Study of charging-up effect for a single mask triple GEM detector.
S Chatterjee, A Sen, S Das, S K Ghosh and S Biswas.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 1014 (2021) 165749.
54. A new technique of linseed oil coating in bakelite RPC and the first test
A Sen, S Chatterjee, S Das, S K Ghosh and S Biswas.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 1024 (2022) 166095.
55. Characterization of a new RPC prototype using conventional gas mixture.
A Sen, S Chatterjee, S Das and S Biswas.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 1045 (2023) 167572.
56. Visual investigation of possible degradation in GEM foil under test.
S Chatterjee, A Sen, S Das and S Biswas.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 1045 (2023) 167573.
57. Effect of relative humidity on the long-term operation of a single mask
triple GEM chamber.
S Chatterjee, A Sen, S Das and S Biswas.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 1046 (2023) 167747.
58. Charging-up effect and uniformity study of a single mask triple GEM detector.
S Chatterjee, A Sen, S Das and S Biswas.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 1049 (2023) 168110.
59. Development of a water-based cooling system for the Muon Chamber detector system of the CBM experiment.
Sumit Kumar Kundu, Saikat Biswas, Subhasis Chattopadhyay, Supriya Das, Anand
Kumar Dubey, Chandrasekhar Ghosh, Ajit Kumar, Ankhi Roy, Jogender Saini, Susnata Seth, Sidharth Kumar Prasad.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A 1050 (2023) 168143.
60. Observation on the bias current variation of a single mask triple GEM
S Chatterjee, A Sen, R. Paul, S. Sahai, S Das and S Biswas.
2023 JINST 18 C05002.
61. Correction of the baseline fluctuations in the GEM-based ALICE TPC.
J. Alme et al. 2023 JINST 18 P11021 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/18/11/P11021.
62. Investigation of the stability in the performance of triple GEM detectors for High Energy Physics experiments.
S. Mandal, S. Chatterjee, A. Sen, S. Gope, S. Dhani, A. C. Hegde, M. Chatterjee, S. Das, S Biswas.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 1064 (2024) 169389.
- DST International travel grant to attend the 11th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, Pisa, Italy, 2009
- European Union grants to participate the 4th MC-PAD Training Event, Micro-pattern gas and Photo-detectors, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 2011
- Ramanujan Fellowship, 2012-2017
- Jury member for selecting the best presentations/posters in Young Scientists’ Conference (YSC), IISF, 2019
- Proud Indian - Georges Charpak Distinguished Scientist Award, 2022
2015-16: Int. M.Sc.-PhD SEM II - Computer Interfacing
2016-17: Int. M.Sc.-PhD SEM I - Electrodynamics I
2016-17: Int. M.Sc.-PhD SEM II - Communication Experiments
2017-18: Int. M.Sc.-PhD SEM III - Nuclear Physics Practical
2017-18: Int. M.Sc.-PhD SEM I - Electrodynamics I
2017-18: Int. M.Sc.-PhD SEM II - Communication Experiments
2018-19: Int. M.Sc.-PhD SEM III - Nuclear Physics Practical
2018-19: PhD Course work - Selected topics on Nuclear Physics
2019-20: Int. M.Sc.-PhD SEM I - Electrodynamics I
2020-21: Int. M.Sc.-PhD SEM II - Communication Experiments
2020-21: PhD Course work - Selected topics on Nuclear Physics
2021-22: PhD Course work - Selected topics on Nuclear Physics
2023-24: PhD Course work - Selected topics on Nuclear Physics
Image | Name | Designation | Department | Campus | Contact number | |
![]() |
Subir Mandal | Junior Research Fellow | Physics | Unified | subir50@jcbose.ac.in |
Former PhD students
Sayak Chatterjee (Institute Fellow, Received PhD degree on 14 August 2023 and Presently at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA)
Thesis title: Performance studies of Gas Electron Multiplier detector for the Muon Chamber of high rate CBM experiment at FAIR.
Chronology of the PhD work of Sayak Chatterjee:
Date of enrolment in PhD: 14th August 2018
Date of Thesis submission: 19th September 2022
Date of PhD viva: 9th August 2023
Date of PhD degree: 14th August 2023
Arindam Sen (DST Inspire Fellow, Received PhD degree on 29 December 2023 and Presently at Jefferson Laboratory-Ohio University, USA).
Thesis title: Development Of Resistive Plate Chamber For The CBM Experiment At FAIR And Other Application Of Radiation Detector.
Chronology of the PhD work of Arindam Sen:
Date of enrolment in PhD: 25th September 2018
Date of Thesis submission: 10th May 2023
Date of PhD viva: 29th December 2023
Date of PhD degree: 29th December 2023
Former Members
1. Dr. Subikash Choudhury
Visiting Fellow, 2016-17. (Now Post Doc. Fellow at Fudan University, Shanghai)
2. Mr. Aritra Mondal
Project Student, 2016-17. (Now at RRCAT, Indore)
3. Mr. Debdeep Ghosal
Project Student, 2016-17 (Now at Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland)
4. Ms. Nilanjana Nandi
Summer Project student from Raja Peary Mohan College, Uttarpara, Hooghly, 2017. (Now at University of Calcutta, Kolkata)
5. Mr. Shibnath Shaw
Project Student from Vidyasagar University, Medinipur, 2017.
6. Ms. Shreya Roy
M.Sc. 4th sem project, Bose Institute, 2017.
7. Mr. Sayan Chakraborty
M.Sc. 4th sem project, Bose Institute, 2018.
(NPCIL as Scientific Assistant trainee-2018, VECC as Scientific Assistant trainee-2019, Selected as Lecturer in Physics in Govt. Polytechnics WB)
8. Mr. Souradeep Pal
Summer Project student from St. Xavier's College (Autonomous), Kolkata, 2018.
9. Mr. Shubham Jaiswal
M.Sc. 4th Sem Project, Bose Institute, Kolkata, 2019.
10. Mr. Abhisek Roy
Summer Project, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, 2019.
11. Ms. Debonita Saha
Summer Project St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Kolkata, 2019.
12. Ms. Krishna Nivedita G
Summer Internship, IISER TVM, 2019.
13. Ms. Aayushi Paul
Summer Internship, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, 2019.
14. Ms. Rituparna Banerjee
Summer Internship , IIT-ISM Dhanbad, 2019.
15. Mr. Shivshant Chauhan
M.Sc. 4th Sem Project, Bose Institute, Kolkata, 2021.
16. Mr. Pranjal Barik
Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Summer Internship at Bose Institute 2022.
17. Mr. Rajat Paul
Department of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Summer Internship at Bose Institute 2022.
18. Mr. Shreesh Sahai
Amity Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Short Term Internship at Bose Institute 2022.
19. Mr. Ayan Dandapat
IIT Ropar, Short Term Internship at Bose Institute 2022.
20. Mr. Mayukh Chatterjee
St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, Summer Internship at Bose Institute 2023.
21. Mr. Aheesh Chandrakant Hegde
NISER, Jatni, Short Term Internship at Bose Institute 2023.
22. Mr. Sayan Dhani
IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Short Term Internship at Bose Institute 2023.
23. Ms. Monika Aggarwal
Department of Physics and Astrophysics, Central University of Haryana, M.Sc. Dissertation at Bose Institute 2024.
Group News:
- Ms. Shreya Roy, from our group received the best talk prize in HUGS 19, Jefferson Laboratory, USA.
The title of her talk was "Overview of detectors for the Muon Chamber of CBM experiments at FAIR"
- My student Mr. Sayak Chatterjee received the Best Poster Award in Workshop on Dynamics of QCD matter, NISER, 15-17 August 2019.

- Organised 34th CBM Collaboration meeting at Unified Academic Campus, Bose Institute during 29 September - 3 October 2019.

- My student Mr. Sayak Chatterjee was selected for the Highlight talk on “Physics performance studies with MuCh setup” in the 37th CBM Collaboration Meeting (online), March 1-5, 2021. Sayak is the only selected student for the Highlight talk from India
- Mr. Sayak Chatterjee received the Ernest Rutherford Best Researcher Award 2022 from IMRF, INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION & RESEARCH, INDIA
- Mr. Arindam Sen and Mr. Sayak Chatterjee received the Financial support from the organizers to attend the Quark Matter, QM2022 in Poland to present their work on the detector development for CBM experiment at FAIR. Mr. Sayak Chatterjee was also selected to receive the CBM Juniors travel grant to participate in the QM2022, Poland.
- Mr. Sayak Chatterjee and Mr. Arindam Sen received the Young Researcher Grant from INFN, Italy to attend the 15th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors to present their work on the detector development for CBM experiment at FAIR.
- Mr. Sayak Chatterjee and Mr. Arindam Sen with Prof. Fabio Sauli during 15th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, 2022
- Acted as an external expert of the open Ph.D. Viva-voce seminar of the First PhD student of St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) Kolkata, March 9, 2022
- Mr. Sayak Chatterjee was invited as a judge to adjudicate the Senior School Science Exhibition, 2022 at La Martiniere for Boys, Kolkata in July 2022.
- Mr. Sayak Chatterjee after submitting his PhD thesis from Bose institute, joined Moller experiment at the University of Massachusetts, USA.
- Mr. Sayak Chatterjee received the award for best oral presentation in the Students' Symposium “Recent Trends in Natural Sciences, 2022” at Bose Institute, Kolkata.
- I delivered an invited Talk on "FAIR: Universe in the laboratory", at Serampore College on 22 March 2023.
- Visited CERN, Geneva during 2-6 April 2023 for ALICE related discussions
- Mr. Arindam Sen attended the EURIZON detector school at Wuppertal, Germany, 17-28 Jul 2023). (Fully sponsored by the Organizers of EURIZON detector school, Wuppertal, Germany.)
- I delivered a lecture in an outreach program at Bose Institute on 01.09.2023 on Bose Institute's contribution to the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)
- I delivered a lecture in the faculty colloquium on FAIR: The universe in the laboratory on 22.09.2023 at Bose Institute
- I delivered an invited lecture in IIT, Jodhpur on FAIR: The universe in the laboratory on 06.10.2023
- FAIR Managing Directors, Prof. Paolo Giubellino and Mr. Joerg Blaurock visited Bose Institute on 30th November 2023 and Prof. Giubellino delivered the Acharya J C Bose Memorial lecture of this year
- Mr. Subir Mandal, Dr. Somen Gope and Dr. Anjali Sharma from Bose Institute attended 67th DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics held at Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Madhya Pradesh during December 09-13, 2023 and presented their work.
- Dr. Anjali Sharma received “One of the best Thesis Presentation” award in 67th DAE Symposium on Nuclear Physics held at IIT Indore, MP, from December 9–13, 2023.
- Arindam Sen joined Jefferson Laboratory, Ohio University in December 16 2023 as Post doctoral fellow after submitting thesis in the University of Calcutta, Kolkata.
- Dr. Archana Sharma, Senior Scientist, CERN, Geneva, visited Bose Institute, Kolkata on 29 December 2023. She was the external expert of PhD viva of Dr. Arindam Sen and she also delivered the Institute Colloquium after interaction with the PhD students of Department of Physics, Bose Institute and students from other institutes.
- Attended DST's 1st National Scientific & Technical Rajbasha Seminar 2024 at ARCI, Hyderabad during 21-22 March 2024. Delivered an invited talk on "FAIR: Prayogshala me Brahmaand"
- Visited CERN, Geneva, Switzerland to take DCS data taking shift of ALICE experiment and to take part in discussion on ALICE upgrade.
- Organised an outreach program at UAC, Bose Institute to a group of students and teachers of Calcutta International School on 18 June 2024.
Delivered a lecture on “Bose Institute's contribution to the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN)”.
- Attended 41st FAIR Council meeting at FAIR, Germany during 8-11 July 2024 as invitee.
- Presented a talk to welcome the FAIR Council to Kolkata for the “42nd FAIR Council meeting in Kolkata during 3-4 December 2024”.
- Also presented the status of Indian in-kind contribution to FAIR, Germany in the Bose Institute-FAIR Steering committee meeting in FAIR, Germany on 9 July 2024.
- During the visit of FAIR-GSI during 8-11 July, 2024 met Dr. Christian J Schmidt, Head, Detector Laboratory, GSI and Prof. Tetyana Galatyuk, Spokesperson of CBM Experiment at FAIR
- Monika Aggarwal from the Department of Physics and Astrophysics, Central University of Haryana completed her MSc dissertation project at Bose Institute, Kolkata under the supervision of Dr. saikat Biswas. The title of the thesis was “Performance Study of Bakelite RPC For High-Energy Physics Experiment”.
The work is highlighted in the prestigious CBM Courier in July 2024 | Issue 2 edition.