About IACR
The INDIAN ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH (IACR) was founded in November 1980 at Mumbai to advance research in all aspects of cancer and promote interaction among scientists in this field from different parts of India. The membership of IACR has been steadily increasing with strength of over 600 life members including 60 overseas members.
IACR publishes three issues of 'IACR Newsletter' every year, for the dissemination of information about IACR's activities and the latest scientific developments.
Annual Convention of IACR is one of the major activities that IACR undertakes every year, where eminent scientists in the field of cancer research are invited. Travel awards are given to the students. The IACR has also instituted a number of awards for students and young scientists.
Since 1999, the IACR has instituted an 'All India Essay Competition', which is open to the post-graduate students and research scholars from Indian universities and research institutions. The best essay is published in the IACR Newsletter.
The Association organizes 'Cancer Research Awareness Programme' for the benefit of society, especially at the school level. The local chapters of the IACR also organize various workshops and symposia focused on the latest developments and technologies in the field of Cancer Research.